Home News Woman shares tomato sauce hack that strips rust from metal

Woman shares tomato sauce hack that strips rust from metal

In their relentless quest for cleanliness, some determined scrubbers turn to unusual places for effective hacks, and one woman has sparked online debate with her rust-removing secret weapon – tomato sauce.

The inventive cleaner, fed up with stubborn rust stains tarnishing her bathroom drain, initiated a ketchup rescue mission after exhausting traditional cleaning options. The unexpected, yet successful, tactic was shared on social media platforms to enlighten others.

Her ingenious method involved generously lathering the stained steel fixtures in tomato sauce and allowing it to work its magic over several hours. Wiping away the mixture revealed metallic surfaces restored to their former shine thanks to the acidic ingredients.

The acids within tomatoes possess properties that effectively break down the accumulation of grime and dirt, much like their vinegar counterparts commonly used in alternative cleaning hacks. Tomato sauce can successfully tackle persistent rust and staining caused by mineral deposit build-ups which form around water-prone areas such as taps and sinks.

Social media users were left intrigued by the offbeat approach when the triumphant cleaner posted evidence of the success of her hack, captioned “Good old tomato sauce”, followed by the simple instruction: “Smear on, leave for a few hours, and then wipe off”, reports the Mirror.

The spring cleaning hack has been picked up by many, with readers flocking to the comments to share their experiences of using the sauce hand-in-hand with a pair of marigolds. A quick scroll through the comments reveals that some have even used the product to polish brass items.

This was followed by other suggestions, with one user claiming that the unique cleaning concoction also worked on water stains, exacerbated by chalky water. The reader exclaimed: “Tomato sauce is brilliant on brown water stains! “

“No scrubbing. I hung a load of washing, then came back, and the brown rubbed off! ‘ she added. ‘I previously spent hours scrubbing with various chemicals and mitts to achieve this same result.”

While the reader’s comment demonstrates its effectiveness in removing stubborn stains, not everyone who tried the method achieved the results they desired. “I have tried numerous times to remove mine because my drain is really mouldy but I can’t get it out”, lamented one reader, while another revealed they had left tomato sauce on their taps for two days, with no success.


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