Home News Woman achieves stunning weight loss by walking 20,000 steps daily for a...

Woman achieves stunning weight loss by walking 20,000 steps daily for a month

Walking is often celebrated as a straightforward, cost-free way to boost physical activity, shed pounds, and enhance overall wellbeinga sentiment echoed by the NHS.

While it may not be the first choice for calorie-burning enthusiasts, the benefits of walking are significantly influenced by its intensity, duration, and one’s dietary habits. Annie, an online influencer, turned to this fundamental form of exercise and credits her astonishing nearly two-and-a-half stone weight loss to committing to 20,000 steps a day.

She took to social media to share her impressive transformation with her followers.

Known on TikTok as @fitannie, she chronicled her weight loss adventure, which was fuelled by her dedication to walking, in a series of posts. In a recent video, she showcased before-and-after photos from her month-long challenge of hitting 20,000 steps daily.

Highlighting the noticeable changes in her legs, she expressed her amazement at the comparison of images taken just a month apart.

“I’m so shocked, I don’t know about you but I think 30 days is insane for that kind of result,” she exclaimed in disbelief, reports the Daily Record.

Annie added: “I’m so happy that I took these pictures because I couldn’t see it in the mirror.”

She then demonstrated how a pair of tight jeans that she wore a month earlier now hung loosely around her waist after the 30-day period. “I lost around 4kg in the last 30 days but I’m also pretty sure that I also gained some muscle from walking that much,” she elaborated.

Annie, a mum who has wowed many with her weight loss journey, shared her simple yet effective approach: “I didn’t count calories or anything like that, just tried to eat healthy.”

Despite achieving her goal, Annie admitted the high step count was quite taxing, saying: “I think this is proof that walking a lot leans out your legs, right? Nonetheless I will go back to aiming for 10-15k steps a day now, since this has also been a bit stressful, not gonna lie. I want walking to be fun and not feel like a chore.”

Her transformation sparked astonishment online, with one individual expressing their shock: “The gasped that I gasped seeing the jeans before and after! ! ! ” Another added their praise: “The difference is really huge! ! Amazing work! ! You look incredible, congratulations.”

In response to queries about the time commitment, Annie explained: “Around 3h in one go, but I just incorporated walking throughout my whole day and split it up.”

Echoing the NHS’s advice, which recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week, Annie’s story illustrates that even a brisk daily walk, defined as “about three miles an hour, which is faster than a stroll”, can lead to significant health benefits.

The experts further clarified that weight loss is achievable if you consume fewer calories than you burn, a principle known as a calorie deficit. They suggested that an average man needs 2,500 calories and an average woman requires 2,000 calories per day to maintain their current weight.

Many individuals aim for the goal of 10,000 steps daily, with research indicating that this can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, achieving this target isn’t necessary to enjoy the benefits.

A study published in JAMA Neurology revealed that every additional 2,000 steps walked per day can decrease the risk of premature death.


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