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Woman, 50, shares how she lost three stone during menopause in just three months

Nikki Ward weight loss case study

Nikki knew she had to change her habits, turning to The 1:1 Cambridge Plan to help her (Image: Nikki Ward)

Weight loss can be a tricky thing to achieve, but in 50-year-old Nikki Ward’s case, she knew something had to change.

She knew she had to change her habits when the thought of being photographed at her best friend’s wedding really daunted her.

Nikkie spoke to Express.co.uk about her struggles with her weight, especially when she went through menopause.

With feelings of frustration over her weight gain, she began a weight loss journey, fuelled by healthy foods and exercise.

After a few months in her journey, the 50-year-old lost an impressive three stone. Reflecting on her time at her heaviest, Nikki said: “I had tried everything to stabilise my weight and be happy with myself, but nothing worked, and it began to knock my confidence.

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nikki ward weight loss

Nikki felt so much better about her body that she decided to book a holiday to the Maldives ( (Image: Nikki Ward)

“On top of this, I began to experience menopause symptoms and, at the time I didn’t realise, but this was a major contributing factor to my weight gain.

“I was at my heaviest when approaching my 50th birthday and I didn’t want another big occasion to be ruined by me avoiding cameras, refusing to get involved, or disliking myself when I saw photographs.

“I constantly beat myself up and lacked confidence about how I looked. I had gone from happy and outgoing, to finding reasons not to socialise with even my closest friends.”

Nikki was asked to be her friend’s maid of honour, but found herself consumed by what she’d look like in wedding photos. Knowing she had to change her ways, Nikki looked at The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan.

She said: “I was paired with my consultant, Deborah, and she booked me in for a call straight away. The initial call gave me the confidence boost I needed, so I decided to go on the plan, and I have never looked back.”

The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan is specifically tailored to the individual, which is designed with the help of a consultant. The diet is centred around calorie control to help speed up weight loss.

It includes a strict regime, starting with a 12-week, very low-calorie diet which consists of meal replacements.  Alongside the curated plan, people who sign up are assisted by a diet consultant to offer one-to-one support throughout the plan.

Nikki lost three stone in just three months

Nikki lost three stone in just three months (Image: Nikki Ward)

One the 1:1, a person will be significantly cutting calories, with meals being replaced with calorie-controlled products. The total daily calorie intake gradually increases over the different stages of the plan.

She dedicated herself to the plan while attempting to navigate through summer events, sticking to her new habits. After just two months of doIng the plan, Nikki lost two stone.

Nikki said: “We decided to book the trip of a lifetime to the Maldives to celebrate my 50th birthday. This was another motivator for me to continue on plan, as I wanted to look and feel great in my holiday wardrobe.

“By the time we left for the airport, I had lost almost three stone and gained a fabulous new wardrobe, including some beautiful bikinis which I would never have worn before going on plan. I made the most amazing memories, and even better, I have the pictures to keep them alive forever.”

When it came time for her friend’s wedding, Nikki had no worries about being captured on camera.

“When I had the final fitting for my bridesmaid dress, I was delighted to find out it was far too big, I had to exchange it for a smaller size and even have that one taken in twice,” she said. “I felt like a million dollars in it and I’m happy to look back on the day knowing that I looked and felt like the best version of myself.”

To help maintain her weight loss, Nikki explained that she keeps to more or less the same meal plan she used at the beginning of her journey, but isn’t as strict if she goes out with friends and on weekends.

Nikki explained: “When I started out I was very strict – no alcohol, and nothing passed my lips that wasn’t a 1:1 product, vegetables, or lean protein. I would even take my own food to social gatherings with friends so as not to impact on my weight loss.

“Now, I enjoy a night out, make sensible menu choices where I can, limit alcohol and just bring myself back into line the next day – it’s all about the balance. My whole mindset has changed and, while I enjoy the odd treat, I won’t allow myself to lose control of what I’m eating and drinking as I know how good losing the weight has made me feel.”

Nutritionists at BBC Good Food shared their opinion on the Cambridge diet, writing: “Strict calorie restriction may lead to quick weight loss, but it can pose a risk of nutrient deficiencies and bring other less desirable outcomes such as constipation, headaches and dizziness. The number of calories consumed on this diet are close to starvation levels, so are likely to flatline energy levels and deplete the immune system.

“Plus, it’s incredibly boring to be so restrictive in the foods you eat, which makes it fairly unsustainable in the long term and can negatively affect your relationship with food, your social life and mental well-being. There is a high risk that individuals will re-gain the weight once they return to a normal eating pattern, which can really undermine self-esteem.”


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