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Whiten hard to remove sock stains with 1 ‘magic’ kitchen item – not vinegar or baking soda

White socks that stay white and free of stains are few and far between.

It doesn’t matter if you wear a pair once or multiple times, they’ll either turn grey or what’s worse, the bottoms turn a dingy brown colour.

Unfortunately, a regular run-through with the rest of your laundry won’t get them back to that sparkling state they were when you bought them.

Luckily, one woman has found a product that works to restore white socks and it’s left her shocked at the difference.

Taking to the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips Facebook page, Nicola Irvine said: “Used these Asda dishwasher tablets in my normal wash on my boyfriend’s socks! Can’t believe the difference.”

She shared two pictures – the first showed a bright white sock next to a grubby grey sock and the second of her Asda dishwasher tablets.

Intrigued to know more about this tip, group members asked how to use dishwasher tablets in the wash.

Nicola responded: “I just put one in my washer drum and let it work its magic. It’s amazing. It makes them super white.”

Fellow cleaning enthusiasts were also impressed by this tip. Lorena McGrory said: “Oh wow, I must do this as my boys keep stealing my white ankle socks and leave them black.”

Lelysa Marley wrote: “Wow! May try this with my girl’s white socks as they are filthy underneath.”

Fiona Marie commented: “I used this too and instead of my usual washing capsule and was amazed at the results.”

Apart from washing dishes, dishwasher soaps do a great job of whitening your socks.

However as dishwasher tablets do not contain any softening ingredients, you may want to add a cup of soda crystals to keep your socks from hardening.

For those who find that their socks are not whitening when using this method, they may need to leave their socks soaking overnight in hot water with a dishwasher tablet.


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