Home News Video: Bronx arrest turns violent as community activists criticize NYPD response

Video: Bronx arrest turns violent as community activists criticize NYPD response

A video sparking criticism by community activists shows a police officer punching a man more than a dozen times as three other cops attempt to restrain him amid Dominican Day Parade festivities in the Bronx.

Arnardo Vargas Jr, 25, admitted he was arguing with police as they attempted to disperse the crowd on the evening of July 28. But, he said, they then grabbed him and began punching him, leaving him bruised and concussed.

“I was just using my words,” Vargas said. “It was aggressive.”

Vargas was with friends on a crowded River Ave. near McClellan St. when police arrived to order the throngs of parade-day revelers to disperse shortly after 7 pm, he told The News. Vargas and his pals were leaving when a friend took a sip of Don Julio, leading one officer to slap the liquor from his hands, he said.

A spokesperson for the NYPD said that Vargas refused a lawful order from officers to disperse and was charged with resisting arrest, obstructing government administration and disorderly conduct fighting.

Vargas, a friend recounted, was challenging a cop and got face to face with one officer.

Video footage shows a police officer punching Arnardo Vargas Jr. (right) more than a dozen times as three other cops attempt to restrain him following Dominican Day Parade festivities in the Bronx on July 28, 2024. (Courtesy of Angel Carrion)
Video footage shows a police officer punching Arnardo Vargas Jr. (right) more than a dozen times as three other cops attempt to restrain him following Dominican Day Parade festivities in the Bronx on July 28, 2024. (Courtesy of Angel Carrion) 

The video then shows veral officers in an apparent attempt to subdue Vargas when another office punches him repeatedly, according to Angel Carrion, who videotaped the episode. Vargas recounted trying to protect his face from the blows as officers held his arms.

“While I’m being punched at the same time I’m trying to protect my face,” he said. “Four police officers are grabbing me. I’m not resisting, I’m protecting my face.”

Carrion conceded his friend may have lost his temper, but said that he does not believe the beating was justified.

“[Vargas] said a couple things to the cop he probably didn’t like — that’s no reason to beat somebody like that,” said Carrion.

An attorney for Vargas said the officers crossed a line.

“The video speaks for itself and clearly shows an innocent New Yorker being assaulted and severely beaten by officers who have a disregard for his civil rights,” Jonathan Gleit said.

Black Lives Matter advocate Hawk Newsome, a frequent critic of Adams and the NYPD, said that local authorities have been and called on federal officials to investigate Vargas’ beating.

“We reached out to local politicians. Nothing happens. The mayor says that he sees no problem in this type of policing,” said Newsome, who leads the greater New York chapter of the Black Lives movement. “This responsibility falls on the Department of Justice. It’s time that Washington stepped in.”

The Police Benevolent Association did not immediately reply to a request for comment.


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