Home News US Government 'admits UFO bombshell' as declassified messages suggest 'cover up'

US Government 'admits UFO bombshell' as declassified messages suggest 'cover up'


The message suggests the US Government has more knowledge about UFOs than it’s letting on. (Image: Getty)

A senior US Government figure appeared to discuss the existence of “crashed UFOs”, that were allegedly recovered nearly six years after the infamous Roswell incident, in newly-released messages made public by a whistle-blower.

Christopher Mellon, 66, is the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence to the Bill Clinton and George W Bush administrations and later for Security and Information Operations.

He also served as the Staff Director of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

In a startling post on X, he has released partly redacted Signal messages between himself and an unnamed top-ranking intelligence official, that appear to discuss the recovery of crashed UFOs in the city of Kingman, Arizona, in the Spring of 1953.

It was almost six years after the infamous Roswell UFO incident in the town of the same name in New Mexico in July 1947.

The Roswell mystery has been at the heart of the UFO scene since in early July 1947 the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert near the New Mexico town of the same name.

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A photograph was released showing Major Jesse Marcel holding foil debris from the “crash site”.

But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was a damaged US Air Force air balloon.

It led to speculation ever since of a major cover-up, with the initial information accidentally released.

Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the “crashed craft”, which along with the wreckage were then taken to the mysterious top-secret Area 51 military base in Nevada.

It has gone on to become the biggest UFO conspiracy theory on record.

Mr Mellon has released the partially redacted communication about the Kingman UFO he says he had with the official, who said the public would be “slack-jawed” to know the entire truth.

The new information appears to confirm longstanding claims from Kingman that multiple witnesses saw at least one UFO fall from the sky on May 21, just outside the small Mojave Desert city.

The local Mohave Museum of History and Arts includes an exhibit on the crash.

Local historian Harry Drew made a documentary on the mystery several years ago.

He said that some witnesses described seeing up to eight UFOs in the night sky, apparently involved in a battle, with at least three downed.

The UFOs were described as metallic, 30 feet wide and three and a half feet high, while oval-shaped with portholes.

To add to the confusion, the crash was close to the time of a nearby Nevada nuclear test series codenamed Operation Upshot-Knothole, declassified military documents show.

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An atomic bomb was detonated two days ahead of the incident, according to the report.

Mr Drew said during the night in question, one craft hit a mountain and exploded, another was found intact in the desert, and a third crash-landed near a small reservoir.

He believes experimental radar brought the crafts down, while others believe the UFO was alien in origin.

The US military response project was top secret with scientists said to have arrived on a blacked-out bus so they wouldn’t know where they were.

Mr Mellon also wrote about the new documents on his website.

He wrote: “Out of respect for the author’s confidentiality, I’ve been sitting on this message for a number of years. I have also redacted portions of the document to protect the identity of the author.

“However, I recently obtained the author’s written permission to release it. It has also now been approved for public release by the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR).

“My purpose in releasing this document, in the wake of the government’s blanket denials regarding the possession of off-world technology, is simply to help others understand why I and some others consider these allegations worthy of investigation.”

In the released messages, the unnamed official states to Mellon: “Right now we haven’t gone that far back. We’re dealing with the recovered UAP that landed at Kingman, AZ, in the 1950s.

“We’re vacuuming up info as (redacted) gets read in. We now know the management structure and security control systems and ownership of the C/R.

“We also know who recovers landed or crashed UAPs under what authorities.

“We also know that a still highly classified memo by a Secretary of the [United States Air Force] is still in effect to maintain the cover on UAPs.”

Mr Mellon said of the messages: “As you can see, this senior government official claimed they were being granted access to an alleged US alien technology recovery and exploitation program.

“I won’t comment on the organisation they worked for, but I can confirm the individual had plausible access and was high-ranking.

“This individual claimed to be gaining deep insights into the program and even provided the name of the alleged Air Force ‘gatekeeper’ for this alleged secret realm.

“Aware of the government’s categorical denials of anything related to extra-terrestrial life, I submitted a copy of this brief exchange to the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR).

“DOPSR confirmed the text is unclassified and approved it for public release. However, I also recognise that those making the determination that the document is unclassified would not likely be cleared for such an acutely sensitive program if it did exist. Further, the government could hardly deny approval to release this information without to some degree confirming its sensitivity and legitimacy.

“So, although I’m relieved to have confirmation that the document is unclassified, I also recognise the truth could be more complicated. I think most people, receiving information of this kind from a senior government official, would naturally take the issue seriously, while still holding reservations about such a wild and sensational claim.”

The US Department of State Media Office has been approached for comment.


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