Leone told Deadline: “(Chris Jericho) is super excited. This one is going to pick up where part two left off, in the insane asylum, so, you’re going to see what transpires there, what mayhem unfolds, because seeing how Art and Victoria ended up, is so insane, and seeing how they get out of that situation and what happens next is going to be really wild.
“So, we have to get Chris back in there and see how he becomes a part of that situation.“
Terrifier 2 – which premiered in 2022 – saw people throwing up and fainting in theaters.
According to JoBlo, Leone had a budget of around $55,000 to work with on the first Terrifier, and a budget of “a little over” $250,000 for Terrifier 2, which earning $15.1 million at the box office.
Since the second film did well, it was no surprise when Terrifier 3 was announced.
Terrifier 3 is actually the fourth feature film to have Art the Clown in it.
Before making the first Terrifier, Leone introduced the character (then played by Mike Giannelli) in short films that were included in the 2013 horror anthology All Hallows’ Eve.
Gearing up for the third film, Leone said: “One of my main goals for Terrifier 3 is to recapture the creep factor present in the original Terrifier short film. That had a genuinely spooky atmosphere that I’m still proud of. If all goes as planned, part 3 will be the scariest Terrifier thus far.”
Leone is also aiming to make the third film more like the first Terrifier, telling Variety that the movie will “shift back a bit to the tone of Part One, which I felt was a little more simplistic and old school, gritty slasher. I want this one to go back in that direction, and I want this to be the scariest one of the trilogy.
“This one will actually have a little bit more of an evil overtone to it, so this is going to be hopefully the scariest and the darkest. I want it to feel as if the audience coming into this one isn’t as comfortable with Art the Clown as they feel they are now. I want to see if I can make them really scared of him again.”
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