Tag: limescale
Remove toilet limescale in 20 mins without scrubbing using 1 household...
There really is nothing worse than spotting stubborn stains lurking at the bottom of your toilet bowl.Even if you spend hours scrubbing and...
Limescale and black stains ‘dissolve’ from shower heads in 15 minutes...
Limescale can wreak havoc on your shower head, leading to clogged jets and an unpredictable spray that could turn your bathroom into a...
Remove toilet limescale stains with 1 natural item better than bleach...
If you have ever noticed dark brown stains at the bottom of your toilet, then do not worry, as it is limescale build-up,...
Remove limescale and soap stains from shower glass with 1 simple...
Nothing is worse than cleaning your bathroom only to discover your shower screen is still spotty with stains that will not budge no...
Limescale will vanish from sink taps if cleaned with 1 kitchen...
Crusty stains are likely to grow over your taps over time and can be tricky to remove as they are made up of...
Clear washing machine limescale and mould with 1 item ‘more effective...
Limescale and mould are persistent invaders in homes, often targeting the drum, drawer, heating element and door seal of washing machines.Not only is...
Clean stained shower glass with 1 natural item that ‘eats through...
Limescale is the number one cause of grubby shower screens, with soap scum coming in at a close second.So what is limescale? Well,...
Banish limescale from your shower screen with 80p product – not...
When you're trying to keep your bathroom as clean as possible, one thing that can pose a massive problem is limescale. This chalky substance,...
Remove stubborn toilet limescale in '20 minutes' using 1 supermarket staple...
Toilet limescale is unsightly and can be particularly stubborn if not regularly removed.Toilet limescale is caused by hard water, which contains many minerals....
Kettle limescale vanishes after boiling with 1 natural item that’s ‘superior...
Limescale, or calcium carbonate or hard water deposits, is a white chalky mineral buildup in your kettle when water is heated or left...