how to unblock drains fast

Life & Style

Stop using vinegar and baking soda to unblock drains when 1 natural item works ‘quicker’

Drains working at a snail’s pace or emitting a foul odour? Chances are you’re dealing with a blocked drain. But fear not, it’s...

Life & Style

Ditch vinegar and baking soda to unblock drains for cleaner’s better 10-minute 50p method

Clearing a clogged drain can be irritating, yet it’s possible to clear it yourself without resorting to harsh chemicals if you stick to...

Life & Style

Unblock drains in ‘under 1 minute’ when ditching vinegar and baking soda for ‘magic’ item

Blocked drains are the bane of many households, with everything from soap scum and hair to limescale and grease causing pesky clogs.  While...

Life & Style

Ditch vinegar and chemical sink unblockers to clear drains for 1 ‘brilliant’ natural item

Sink drains often get clogged up from your day-to-day kitchen waste, but fear not, there’s an easy fix that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals....


I unblocked my drain in less than two minutes with one ‘fantastic item plumber swears by’

Drains in my bathroom seem to clog up quickly, especially when it comes to the shower. From beauty products and soap scum to...


Ditch vinegar and baking soda to unblock drains for plumber’s ‘better’ natural method

Blocked drains are what most homeowners dread, but sometimes it’s inevitable. A kitchen sink, for instance, has to process huge amounts of grease...


Clear ‘stubborn’ blockages with ‘lifesaver’ item baking soda and vinegar ‘won't work’ on

Drain blockages are one of the most common reasons to call on a plumber, however, this can prove to be expensive and often...


Ditch vinegar and baking soda for ‘magic’ item that unblocks drains in ‘under one minute’

Drains, whether it’s your shower, bath, or sink, are a total pain to unblock. From soap scum and hair to limescale and grease,...


Plumber claims vinegar ‘can’t unblock drains’ but ‘far superior’ item will ‘instantly’

Drains are relied on heavily in homes whether that be to start your day with a hot shower, use your kitchen sink to...


Unclog drains while banishing foul odours with 51p hack plumber claims ‘works like magic’

Drains can cause a lot of hassle in homes as they can block easily and start to develop nasty odours.  In the battle...