how to unblock drains fast

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Unblock your drain in ‘under 1 minute’ with 1 ‘magic’ natural item cleaners are amazed by

Blocked drains are the bane of many households, from showers and baths to sinks. Numerous factors, from soap scum and hair to limescale...

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Stop using vinegar and bicarb to clear drains as 1 natural item works better in 5 minutes

Drains that are blocked not only struggle to pass water quickly, but they can also give off foul odours. Blockages typically arise from...

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Unblock drains quickly with 1 natural item that is better than vinegar or baking soda

If there is an odd smell coming from your sink and the water is draining slowly then you are likely dealing with a...

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Stop using vinegar and bicarb to clear drains as plumber’s 1 natural item ‘works wonders’

Fixing a blocked drain might be easier than you think, and there’s no need to dial up the experts just yet.  A spokesperson...

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Vinegar and bicarb only unblocks drains properly if you add 1 other powerful kitchen item

Blocked drains often have homeowners frantically dialling for costly plumbers, while store-bought solutions can be equally pricey and packed with harsh chemicals. These...

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Unblock drains in 5 minutes with 1 ‘magic’ item cleaners claim ‘dissolves hair and gunk’

Hair around the drain can quickly turn from a mere nuisance to a full-on plumbing disaster. A clogged bathtub or shower, more often...

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Unclog drains in under 20 minutes with 1 natural item that ‘clears the toughest blockages’

Drains in the bathroom often get clogged with soap scum and hair, while kitchen sinks end up getting blocked with food residue. You...

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Unblock drains quickly by adding 1 natural item to the plug – not vinegar or baking soda

If water takes longer than usual to drain away in your sink or there is a horrible smell coming from the plug then...

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Vinegar and baking soda unblocks drains ‘better’ and ‘faster’ when 1 natural item is added

Drains that are blocked often force households to call out plumbers which can lead to a hefty price, but so can many store-bought...

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Unblock drains in only 20 minutes with 1 natural item – better than vinegar or baking soda

Sinks becoming smelly or taking too much time for the water to clear often means you are dealing with a blocked drain, but...