

This snack boosts brain function and cardiovascular health, studies find

Nuts, packed with essential nutrients, have been extensively researched for their potential to enhance brain and cardiovascular health. Diet plays a crucial role...


Common painkiller linked with cardiovascular and 'serious complications' in certain people

Paracetamol is sold over-the-counter in almost all pharmacies and supermarkets. It’s hailed for easing various aches, pains and flu-like symptoms, boasting sales of...


Doctor shares '12 foods to avoid' if you want a healthy heart

There are some popular foods and drinks you should avoid or cut down on if you want to maintain a healthy heart. Dr...


Experiencing common emotion for just eight minutes could raise heart attack risk – study

Brief surges in anger could raise people’s risk of suffering a heart attack, new research suggests. In new findings published on Wednesday, scientists found...