Home News Stop using bleach to remove toilet urine smells when 99p item ‘works...

Stop using bleach to remove toilet urine smells when 99p item ‘works better’ in 10 minutes

Cleaning the toilet can be a pain, especially when you think you’ve cleaned it properly only to find lingering urine odours left behind.

Unless you’re using the right product, you’re not going to succeed in sending the pee fumes packing. 

To get rid of urine odour, many think that bleach is the only answer, but Mrs Hinch fans claim that there’s something “better” to break down the organic compounds that make urine odours so stubborn and so stinky. 

However, it means cleaning more than just the toilet as the floor will need cleaning too. 

Remember, as much as you might not like to think about it, those nasties can splash, and accumulate, pretty much anywhere and everywhere.

Taking to the Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips and Tricks Facebook page, Teresa Bailey said: “Advice please. I’m renting and my downstairs toilet constantly smells of urine.  

“Newly decorated and new lino. I have cleaned all the obvious but just can’t stand it, no window which only makes it worse. Any recommendations for a strong-smelling freshener or something to solve this issue?”

While a few suggested the use of white vinegar or baking soda, the majority claimed Teresa needs to use shaving foam.

Elisha O’Gorman said: “Shaving foam. I’ve six boys in the house it works like a dream.”

Aoife Mills wrote: “Shaving foam. Spray it underneath and all around your toilet and floor, wipe it in and leave for 10 minutes before wiping it away. 

“Also check the hinges to the toilet seat as I have found urine often gets trapped in them and the smells lingers.”

Janice Edge commented: “Shaving foam is really good for eliminating urine smells from the floor and toilet.”

Heather Lievesley pointed out: “Can I just say that bleach somehow makes it seem worse. 

“Definitely the shaving foam trick works better, not just on the floor but all the outside of the toilet and around the back too.”

Cleaning enthusiast Katrina Springer of The Organised Housewife blog also recommends using shaving foam to remove urine smells.

She said: “Having young kids who are toilet training means urine can end up on the sides of the toilet or the floor and after time the smell can become rather unpleasant, and you may find a cleaner that cleans but the smell of urine may linger. 

“There is a quick and easy way to fix this! Grab a can of shaving cream – for this hack, a cheap foamy shaving cream works the best. 

“Pop on some cleaning gloves and cover the area around the toilet and on the sides of the toilet, really, anywhere you think there may be urine build up and completely cover with shaving cream. Let the shaving cream sit for about 10 minutes and then wipe with a hot wet cloth or a mop with hot water. 

“You will notice the urine smell has disappeared. You can do this every month or so, or just when the toilet area starts to smell.”

Shaving foam is very affordable and can be picked up from Tesco for 99p, at Boots for £1 and on Amazon for £1.99.


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