Home Life & Style Spiders are ‘strongly deterred’ with DIY two-ingredient spray – you must use...

Spiders are ‘strongly deterred’ with DIY two-ingredient spray – you must use it now

September is the start of spider breeding season, and due to the change in temperature, spiders make their way into your home looking for a cosy spot to lay their eggs.

To help keep your home spider-free, John Stewart from the technical team at Pelsis UK has shared his top five tips.

1. Seal off entry points

The expert said: “Spiders often sneak into homes through gaps under doors and around windows. Ensuring window frames are properly sealed and excluder strips are fitted to the base of doors may help prevent entry.

“While it is unlikely you’ll be able to seal off every single point of entry for a spider, ensuring the major ones, such as gaps under doors, are blocked will go a long way to keeping the critters out of your living space.”

2. Use lemon-scented cleaners or DIY spray

These eight-legged pests are “strongly deterred” by the smell of citrus fruits, so cleaning your furniture, skirting boards and windowsills with lemon-scented products is an easy way to keep them at bay.

You can also make a DIY spray of lemon juice and water, and spritz this around the home for the same effects.

It is best to use this ahead of spider season to help stop them from coming in the home in the first place.

3. Keep it clean

While not an entirely foolproof method for prevention, cleaning your home regularly can deter spiders from nesting, particularly if removing their webs.

Vacuuming regularly is important too as it will not only eliminate spiders but any eggs they may have laid, helping to reduce numbers.

Pay special attention to corners and under furniture as this is where the pests are likely hiding.

4. Traps and vacuums

The pro explained: “Humane traps and vacuums are effective tools for spider control. These methods allow you to catch and release spiders outside without harming (or touching) them.

“The spider vacuum is definitely the most effective way of dealing with spiders, allowing you to easily capture them in almost any space. It also has a built-in LED light which is perfect for spotting them in dark corners.”

5. Minimise outdoor lighting use

The pest pro continued: “While spiders themselves are not attracted to light sources, many of the insects they feed on are, which in turn draws them towards outdoor lighting.”

Reducing outdoor lighting, especially overnight, can help decrease the number of insects – and consequently spiders – around your home.


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