Home News Simple £1 trick 'makes damaged lawns thick and green again'

Simple £1 trick 'makes damaged lawns thick and green again'

With the arrival of summer and decent weather in recent weeks, many of us are looking forward to spending more time in our gardens. However, if you’re a dog owner and your lawn isn’t as lush and green as you’d like, your furry friend might be to blame.

Lawn specialists Prestige Lawns have offered their advice on how to tackle dog urine patches and restore your lawn to its former glory for just £1.

How to fix dog urine patches on lawns

Water the spot

As soon as you notice your dog has urinated on the lawn, water the area thoroughly to dilute the urine and prevent it from scorching the grass, reports Devon Live.

Rake and remove dead grass

Once the area has dried, use a rake to clear away any dead grass, creating a fresh base for new growth.

Apply grass seed

Generously sprinkle grass seed over the affected area. Cover the seeds with a layer of topsoil or compost to aid rooting.

Gently water the seeds using a watering can, taking care not to oversaturate them. These seeds can be purchased for as little as £1 and can significantly improve struggling lawns.

Tread lightly

Avoid walking on the treated area for a few weeks and keep your dog at bay to allow the grass to heal and grow. This period will enable your lawn to recover and cover the previously damaged spot.


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