Home News 'Rid your garden of weeds' using 'magic' 3-ingredient solution that also works...

'Rid your garden of weeds' using 'magic' 3-ingredient solution that also works on patios

Weeds can make even the neatest of gardens look unkempt and unsightly, even if you have a picture-perfect lawn and pretty flowerbeds.

Weeds growing between cracks on paving, drives and patio areas can make areas uneven and even slippery in wet weather.

Removing weeds on patios and hard surfaces can be difficult, especially if you find it difficult to bend down and remove weeds by hand.

But rather than resorting to chemicals, David Chapman, flooring expert and founder of custom logo mat company, Ultimate Mats, has shared how to banish weeds using a popular household item – white vinegar.

White vinegar works as a go-to solution for kitchens, bathrooms, surfaces and gardens without the need for the use of harsh cleaning chemicals.

The acidic properties of white vinegar make it the perfect solution for killing weeds.

David explained: “It’s not just the interior of your home that white vinegar can work its magic on – the substance can even be used to rid your garden of weeds.

“Mix one gallon of white vinegar with one cup of salt and leave the solution to sit for a few minutes.

“Add a small amount of dish soap before adding the solution into a spray bottle and spray the weeds in your garden.

“However, be mindful that white vinegar will only kill the exposed part of the weeds, and the roots will remain and will eventually need to be treated again.” White vinegar can be bought online and from local supermarkets for as little as 35p.

Other solutions for removing weeds include using boiling hot water, lemon juice and baking soda.

Chemicals such as bleach should be avoided as this can impact the surrounding environment and your garden’s ecosystem.


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