Home News Rick Stein's best sausages and potatoes for the perfect bangers and mash...

Rick Stein's best sausages and potatoes for the perfect bangers and mash recipe

Bangers and mash with “proper onion gravy” is a go-to British dish that is fulfilling any day of the week or weekend. The popular pub grub can be remade at home with ease, but with Rick Stein’s recipe, the meal will be taken to another level.

When the chef, for his series Rick Stein’s Food Stories, travelled to a pig farm, he was inspired to use the “finest Lincolnshire sausages” for his recipe.

But what else does Rick Stein include in his hearty bangers and mash recipe that will have tastebuds tingling?

According to the restaurateur, there are only two types of potatoes that are worthwhile when it comes to sausages and mash.

Here is Rick Stein’s delicious bangers and mash with onion gravy recipe that is ready in no time.

Banger’s and mash with onion gravy recipe

Serves: four people


Eight Lincolnshire sausages
1kg of Maris Piper or King Edwards potatoes, peeled and cut into 5cm chunks
50g butter
120ml milk or cream
Eight spring onions, trimmed and chopped
Salt and pepper

For the onion gravy:

40g butter
One onion, chopped
One carrot, peeled and chopped
Two sticks of celery, peeled and chopped
Two teaspoons of plain flour
Four bayleaves
A few sprigs of thyme
325ml red wine
A glug of Vin Cotto (optional red wine syrup)
450ml beef stock
Salt and pepper


Cook the sausages in a frying or griddle pan, inside of the oven or on the barbecue.

Boil the potatoes until tender, drain well and then pass through a ricer, or mash very well or use a hand held whisk to break up any lumps. Add the butter and milk or cream, stir through the spring onions and season with salt and pepper, keep it warm.

Make the onion gravy

Melt the butter in a pan and add the onions, carrot and celery and fry until golden and starting to soften. Add the flour and make a roux-like mixture, cook for a minute before adding the red wine, stock, and Vin Cotto.

Keep stirring and bring up to a boil to thicken, reduce down to intensify the flavour and season with salt and pepper.

Serve two sausages per person on top of the mash potatoes and spoon over the gravy, serve with greens or peas if desired.


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