Home News Remove moss from lawns with one gardening item that also helps grass...

Remove moss from lawns with one gardening item that also helps grass grow thicker

Lawns are often green, thriving and ready to roll out a BBQ onto in summer, but can quickly become unsightly if moss begins growing on grass. 

Grass can quickly become stressed during the hot weather if it is being watered enough which moss can take advantage of as it requires less water to survive. 

If moss is not dealt with quickly it can overtake a weakened lawn which can lead to thin and patchy grass which can struggle to grow back. 

However, Andie Ioo, a gardening expert from Lawn Love has shared that all you need to get rid of moss quickly is a garden rake, as scarifying a lawn will not only remove moss but help grass grow back thicker than ever, 

Andie said: “Since moss attaches to the ground via threadlike structures called rhizoids, simply raking moss away from your lawn can do the trick.” 

Andie added: “One way is to use a regular rake, such as a bow or leaf rake. Another is to upgrade to a scarifying rake. 

“Due to their ability to dig a little deeper than traditional rakes, scarifying rakes are more efficient at removing moss, thatch, and dead grass while opening up the soil to receive necessary airflow and nutrients.”  

How to scarify a lawn to get rid of moss 

All you need to do is mow a lawn at a shorter height than usual to make scarification more effective.

Make sure to choose a dry day after it has rained as the ideal time to scarify a lawn is when the soil is slightly damp as it will make it much easier to do. 

Then vigorously go over a lawn with a take in a straight line and pull up moss as you do so. 

Use a back-and-forth motion to break up any clumps and make sure to pick up all the moss pieces and throw them in the bin, otherwise, it will simply spread again. 

Scarifying a lawn will help break up soil which may have become compact and makes grass roots absorb water more efficiently, which will lead to healthier and thicker grass. 

How to use a DIY solution to get rid of moss 

A homemade remedy of baking powder, dish soap and water is a quick and eco-friendly way to kill moss and prevent it from growing back without using harsh chemicals. 

Andie said: “If the moss in your lawn isn’t cleared easily with a scarifying rake, you might need to turn to a specialized moss herbicide.” 

Dish soap helps the solution penetrate the moss and dehydrate it while baking soda increases the pH level of the moss, which can kill it as it needs an acidic environment to stay alive, 

All you need to do is mix baking soda, dish soap and water together in an empty sprayer, then use it on your lawn. 

Andie said: “Spray until the moss is saturated, avoiding other greenery in the vicinity. The next day, you should be able to rake the dead moss away. 

“Be sure to dispose of it in a way that the spores cannot escape and generate new patches of moss, such as placing it in sealed garbage bags.” 


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