Home Life & Style Remove limescale and mould from your washing machine with just 1 kitchen...

Remove limescale and mould from your washing machine with just 1 kitchen item experts love

Limescale and mould can make cleaning your washing machine a real chore, as both are notoriously stubborn to shift.

The unpleasant accumulation of limescale and mould can occur in the drum, the drawer, and the rubber seal of your washing machine.

To tackle this issue, appliance gurus at LG have shared their best advice for cleaning each component of your washing machine, and all you need is one ingredient – white vinegar.

How to banish mould and limescale from the washing machine drawer

To spruce up the detergent drawer, first turn off your machine, then take the drawer out.

Immerse the drawer in a bowl of hot water and vinegar. While the drawer is soaking in your hot water concoction, be sure to wipe down and clean the inside of the detergent drawer compartment – you can do this with a microfibre cloth dampened with some water and vinegar.

The experts stated: “It’s important to get into the top of the compartment as this is where most of the mouldy and limescale builds up. If you have any dirt lodged in crevices, use a toothbrush to dislodge those final unwanted bits.”

By now, your detergent drawer should have soaked long enough to loosen any accumulated mould and soap scum, which you can now wipe away with a cloth or sponge.

Once you’ve finished scrubbing, rinse your drawer in warm water and thoroughly dry it before slotting it back into the machine.

How to eradicate mould and limescale from the washing machine drum

To ensure your washing machine drum gets the sparkle treatment, kick things off with an empty, turned-off machine. Then spray with white vinegar inside the drum and wine it down with a microfibre cloth for a proper clean.

However, experts advise: “Make sure not to do this too frequently, especially near the seal of the machine as the vinegar can corrode the rubber seal.”

How to remove mould and limescale from the washing machine filter

Pop off the cover panel at the bottom corner on the outside of your appliance. Getting that filter out is a breeze – just twist the cap on the outside and it should slide out.

When you take out the filter, it’ll likely dribble out a grotty layer of liquid. Mop up the mess with some paper towels. After you’ve got all the grim bits off, place the screen in a bowl of piping hot water for a 10-minute soak that should take care of any leftovers that couldn’t be wiped away.

Before the filter goes back in, do a quick check of the machine’s insides for any stray lint. Pop the filter back in place, give it a good screw tight, and shut the cover securely.

How to clear mould and limescale from the washing machine seal

If your washing machine is kicking up a stink, the rubber seal could be the culprit. This spot is notorious for mould and grime accumulation, as it’s the last line of defence in keeping your appliance moisture-rich.

To tackle this, one of the “most effective ways to clean your seal” is by using white vinegar with a cotton bud or sprinkling baking soda straight into the drum for a scorching 90-degree wash cycle.


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