Home News Readers sound off on having faith in Biden, Shelley Duvall and Zionism’s...

Readers sound off on having faith in Biden, Shelley Duvall and Zionism’s purpose

The alternative makes Biden the obvious choice

Manhattan: After 11 days, Donald Trump finally came out to do a rally and he did not disappoint. He lied, threw insults, spoke nonsense and made very destructive comments about our alliances and our basic rights. Yet, I did not hear one Republican, pundit or news media outlet (except for “Morning Joe”) call into question his mental stability, competence, ability to lead, age or the fact that he is an indicted and convicted felon. He has the Republican Party’s full support.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party has in President Biden a decent, moral, highly competent individual who, by all measures, has a historic presidency. Yet, the Democratic Party, along with the previously mentioned entities, has attempted to diminish him in the eyes of the public as an old man (Trump is only three years younger and far less stable) who has lost several steps and doubts his ability to do the job anymore. May I remind everyone of the 2022 “red wave” that didn’t happen!

The Democrats should support the president 1,000%. It’s democracy versus autocracy; promotion of rights versus a rollback and denial of rights; science versus fiction; facts versus alternative facts. The choice is clear. A growing, record-breaking economy, record job creation and growth, the return of manufacturing, higher wages, a record-breaking stock market and the strongest military in the world is a record that is enviable and deserves an encore.

Democrats need to get their heads screwed on and stop the doubters from diminishing Biden’s competency. All they have to do is listen to Trump. Andre Carl Jones

Disloyal following

Manhattan: With friends like Democrats and the mainstream media, Biden doesn’t need enemies. The irony is that no matter how bad Trump did in debates, no matter how many lies he told, no matter how many crimes he’s convicted of, Republicans would never tell him to step down. Edward Drossman

Feeling sorry

Bronx: It was sad to watch an American president in distress and diminished before the nation and the world. But what is also troubling is reading the reckless, nonsensical, juvenile and foolish comments in Voice of the People, especially the Trump-hating Biden supporters. But then, who am I to judge? The Good Book says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” And I accept this prophetic warning. But I also recognize the words of that storied and gifted philosopher Mr. T who, when dealing with troublesome and ignorant people, would often remark, “I pity the fool.” Bob Pascarella


Lima, Ohio: You can fool some of the people some of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. And you don’t have to worry about fooling the Democrats. They believe in playing along. Corlissa Arrick

Questions & answers

Darien, Conn.: There was an old radio and TV show called “20 Questions.” At the debate, there were more than 20 questions to deal with. For the liar, they were easy to respond to. But Biden, who deals only in real-time at his Oval Office, usually with the right information, has satisfied me for his current time in office. It’s D.T. who should retire immediately. Dan Singer

Stick to policy

Hammonton, N.J.: It’s amazing how many letters are in here supporting Biden because Trump lies, and how many support Trump because of Biden’s dementia. Check out members of Congress. Way too many geriatrics with diminished ability in there, and all are compulsive liars. Both Trump and Biden can blend right in among our politicians in D.C. Obviously, lying is a requirement to be a politician and Biden’s ailments are not even close to being as bad as some in Congress. People should look at the records of these two and base their vote on that, not who has dementia or which one is a more skilled liar. William Cook

Legal standard

Highland Beach, Fla.: Clueless Voicer Harold Lichtman and editorial guest Vaughan Emsley (“Dems must focus on two clear messages,” op-ed, July 5) both whine about the Supreme Court decision on partial presidential immunity as if that would only cover Trump. Emsley says the Dems must hammer home: “No kings in America.” What a hypocrite. The Biden royal family has been the beneficiaries of allegedly the greatest political corruption cover-ups in our history, from his declining mental and physical capacity to the 51 CIA sycophants who signed a document they all likely knew was bogus to cover up and influence the election. Biden should be on his knees begging for immunity since his day is coming soon, as the Democratic dictatorship will be crumbling down. Down goes the racist Jamaal Bowman. Which America-hating Squad member is next? Elijah Marcus

‘It’ girl

Itasca, Ill.: America may bobble democracy in November, but society’s pearl-clutching, jealousy-fueled preoccupation with professional basketball player Caitlin Clark is what demands our attention. It isn’t Clark’s fault. She’s managed this media-made spectacle better than fans, churlish podcasters and everyone else obsessed with her every move. She might be the only adult in the room. I recall a 1980s “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” shampoo commercial that captures our current juvenile obsession with ourselves and all things petty. Don’t hate Clark because she’s talented. Remember, it’s only a game. Jim Newton


Hallandale Beach, Fla.: A cinema icon passed. Shelley Duvall has passed away at the age of 75. She will forever be a captivating and unforgettable presence in film. She was a true artist who deserved much more, but she’ll forever remain a timeless legend. Rest in peace, Shelley. Paul Bacon


Syracuse: To Voicer John A. MacKinnon: How depressingly lengthy the list of those who would save the Jews from themselves! Judaism and Zionism were born as conjoined twins. MacKinnon’s geographic assertions are ahistorical. The borders of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine as a Jewish state encompassed the entirety of the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. His proposed remedy: a forced Israeli retreat to his fictitious borders, until the Palestinians’ “temporary exploitation” ends, eerily mirrors the Palestinian Authority’s strategy of “stages,” whereby any land ceded by Israel would be used toward further destroying the Jewish state. The Zionists have nothing to apologize for. Even as they built their modern state, their hand was ever outstretched for peaceful coexistence with the Arabs. The Arab response has been a century of extreme enmity, marked by violence, boycotts, world media manipulation and diplomatic sabotage of all international bodies. Richard D. Wilkins


Calgary, Alberta: Zionism is the yearning by Jews to live in the land of their ancestors, whose presence in what is now Israel goes back more than 3,500 years, 2,000 years before Islam was founded. To be against Zionism is to be against Israel. The existence of a Jewish state is considered a Nakba (catastrophe) by the Palestinian Arabs. An even greater insult to them is Israel’s success in winning its wars with Arab nations. That’s why they have been celebrating Hamas’ victory over Israel on Oct. 7. There is also religious Zionism, where Jews pray every day to move to Jerusalem to pray at the site of their holy temple. Jerusalem is mentioned more than 600 times in Judaism’s holy books but not once in the Koran. If Judaism can only be saved by its abandonment of Israel, then there is no Judaism. Forgive Jews for not accommodating their euthanizers. Larry Shapiro

Looked it up

Bayside: To Voicer Elizabeth Forel: As a fellow NYC retiree, I urge you to look up your incorrect info. Both parties have been supporting the inferior (dis)Advantage plans hurting and draining Medicare retirees, but the Dems claim they are the protectors of Medicare and Social Security? Also, if you took the time to “look it up,” you would see that Trump does not support Project 2025. Both parties together need to pass legislation to protect the Medicare that retirees earned and paid into for benefits. Thomas Hogan


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