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Readers sound off on Harris and immigration, a Superfund bill and arming allies

Harris comes with an immigration vulnerability

Astoria: In the quest to defeat Donald Trump and save our country, it was a colossal mistake to coronate Kamala Harris without putting the nomination through the democratic process and considering better choices as the nominee. Harris is a definite liability because of the immigration issue and the dismal record of the Biden/Harris administration on fueling the most unsecure border in our nation’s history.

The American public should remember the infamous 1988 Willie Horton ad that finished off the candidacy of Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis in 1988. As Massachusetts governor, Dukakis gave a weekend furlough to convicted murderer Willie Horton, who was serving a life sentence with no chance of parole. Horton failed to return to jail and committed assault, armed robbery and rape in Maryland. Republican candidate George H.W. Bush and an independent TV ad put the issue in the national spotlight.

There is no shortage of material for the Donald Trump campaign or independent organizations to run Horton-like ads about instances of horrific violence committed against U.S. citizens by undocumented immigrants let into the U.S. under the Biden/Harris administration. Reports of these atrocities will resonate with Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike. Illegal immigration will be the major issue of the election, and the Democrats could have easily escaped defeat by this issue by nominating someone other than Harris. Don’t be surprised if the 2024 election is a carbon copy of 1988 in terms of Horton-like TV ads. If this election were a movie, it could be “Back to the Future.” Kyung Park

Inflated dangers

Hartsdale, N.Y.: I feel sad for Voicer Lydia DiBello. She thinks violent crime in the U.S. is “immense” when all facts point to the opposite. She also seems to think that “millions of undocumented immigrants” are entering our country and undermining our economy, when there is no evidence that this is so, unless Lydia is doing stoop labor in a grape field. Worst of all, she fears foreign wars in which no Americans are combatants “wreaking havoc.” Funny, I haven’t seen any of that “havoc” anywhere around me. And as for President Biden being “kicked to the curb” — gee, he didn’t say that at the DNC. But maybe Lydia was afraid to watch that, what with all the “immense crime” around. Norman Gaines

Best of both worlds

Hope, R.I.: Govern like MLK at home. Lead like Ronald Reagan abroad. You know, like Kamala Harris. Drawing on the best of two American giants. It’s about time somebody did. Progressive plus patriotic equals landslide. Arthur Hayek

Contrived image

Oceanside, L.I.: Re “Harris on Harris” (editorial, Aug. 25): We are witnessing an extreme makeover by the DNC and mainstream media of a very low-achievement public servant. Couple that with a very low-informed public and we have the second coming of Barack Obama. The insults to our intelligence go on and on. The phony phone calls we are shown from President Biden naming Harris vice president to her receiving a call of endorsement from the Obamas, and her calling Tim Walz as her selection as VP are cringeworthy. We are told she was always “pushing the doors of opportunity open to others.” At least those doors were open for her abused staff as well, who left her in record numbers and took the opportunity to leave. Tony Giametta

On Trump’s watch

Manalapan, N.J.: To Voicer Brenda Hodgkiss, who asked how anyone with a brain could support Harris: You complain that prices are up? What about the devastating pandemic and war in Ukraine that choked off oil, gas and wheat for over a year? Trumpers love to blame Biden for everything, including the weather, but they won’t look at the pathological liar, insurrectionist and traitor who tried mightily, with every conceivable trick, to overthrow a legitimate election and repeatedly stabbed our nation in the back. Now he’s hosting a “gala” for the criminals and vandals who attacked our Capitol, wrecked the hallways and threatened to hang the vice president for refusing to support Trump’s traitorous scheme. How does any American with a brain support such a scheming law-breaker for president? Herb Paserman


North Haven, Conn.: To Voicer Susan Cassano: You couldn’t be more wrong. Every major city in America votes overwhelmingly Democratic in national elections. Have you taken a good look at those cities lately? They aren’t exactly breeding grounds for rocket scientists. If it wasn’t for the “uneducated,” Democrats couldn’t win an election for dog catcher. Wayne Nuhn

Weird guys

Flushing: How about a front page with DJT and RFK Jr. on it and title it, “Two weird!” Feel free to steal my idea, although I assume something is in the works. Ed Kilduff

Put it through

Bay Shore, L.I.: The Climate Change Superfund Act would make fossil fuel companies pay for the damage they’ve caused. What’s keeping Gov. Hochul from signing it? Has our governor even read the bill? What’s got her trembling? Gov. Hochul, the Climate Change Superfund Act asks very little of the fossil fuel companies! Not even a dent (more like a nick) in their profits! If only it would become a superfund! C’mon, KH! Sign, for the chump change! David Bissoon


Glen Ridge, N.J.: To Voicer David Gonzalez: Oh, so you’re the one who would leave a beloved pet in a car in extreme heat with just a cracked-open window while you do your personal chores or enjoy a meal? I agree, leave them in their home — but in a car? Never! Francine Ferrara

Right in the feels

Cross River, N.Y.: I have never been as touched by a comic strip to the point of tears as I was this past Sunday when I read “Pearls Before Swine.” My sweet mother passed away on June 16, and this cartoon was extremely touching and very well-written and drawn. Thank you so much, Stephan Pastis. Janine Schettino

Demeaning depiction

Bound Brook, N.J.: I object to the comic strip “The Argyle Sweater” printed on Monday. It was offensive, making light of a miracle that Christians believe happened. I’m so sick and tired of the Christian religion being disrespected, and comparing that miracle that millions believe in to a man relieving himself is sad and shows prejudice. If you use the wrong vernacular or verbiage these days, you’re criticized, but if you make light of one’s sacred beliefs, it’s fine as long as it’s about Christians. Anthony Mignone

Stay ready

Londonderry, N.H.: Alan W. Dowd comprehensively describes in The American Legion Magazine the plight of world democracies countering the expansionism and exploitation of one-man-rule autocracies. In essence, he says the free world needs “an alliance of democracies” against the autocracies of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. Deterring the autocracies requires the free world to increase defense spending and collaborate in mutual programs designed to enhance capabilities to counter provocations. NATO countries in Europe are now increasing their defense spending to counter Russian expansionism. Far East countries are aligning and spending more money on armaments to confront China and North Korea. Some Middle East countries are working closely with the U.S. to combat Iranian aggression. The U.S., as the world bastion of democracy, has to ramp up the availability of armaments, including state-of-the-art offensive weapons and defensive weapons like drones, hypersonic missiles and other advanced missile systems. Donald Moskowitz

Expired indigeneity

Manhattan: To assist Voicer Julia Lutch in constructing her fairy tale — “Layer upon layer of earth studied by rigorous archeological methods reveals millennia of Jewish habitation in the Jewish homeland” — one might add: Then they left for 1,500 years, some picking up DNA that made them resemble Italians, but were brought back by the Brits, asking: “Who has been sleeping in my bed?” Michele P. Brown

Thinned value

Brooklyn: To Voicer Kevin Mallardi: You must be a carpenter because you absolutely nailed it. Paying these absurdly outrageous prices for 12 pages folded in half is ridiculous. It almost seems as if they are purposely trying to lose business. I never knew ink and paper were so expensive. Shrinkflation is everywhere except in the prices. Walter Smith


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