Home News Readers sound off on Biden’s faith, a wrongful conviction and an old...

Readers sound off on Biden’s faith, a wrongful conviction and an old church

Biden’s warring reveals his empty Christianity

Granby, Conn.: I’m sick of hearing about President Biden’s deep Christian faith. The media often talks about it when contrasting his lifestyle with that of Donald Trump. Biden is superior to Trump politically in every respect, but talk of the former’s religious commitment rings hollow in light of his support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

I don’t believe Biden sending 2,000-pound bombs to a country dropping them on children aligns with Christian values. Is this beating swords into ploughshares? Is this loving your enemy? Is this being a peacemaker? I think the answer is an unequivocal no. It’s not as if Biden’s war support is a personal failing he’s struggled with and seeks forgiveness for. He is constantly making an affirmative case for his stance. Pope Francis, leader of the largest branch of Christianity, has repeatedly called for an end to the violence.

I’ve noticed centrist Democrats laying the groundwork to blame Biden’s potential defeat on the left. To be clear, I’ll be voting for him if the choice is between him and Trump. However, this example of advance factional fighting is ludicrous. Biden is a centrist. His administration is made up of centrists. If he loses to Trump, it will be the fault of the center. Biden needs to make his case to voters.

It’s not too late for Biden to do the honorable thing, forego his ego and step aside. The Democratic National Convention could select a new nominee this summer. Saving our country from Trump and preventing the massacre of countless Palestinians may require drastic measures. If we’re serious about defeating fascism, all options need to be on the table. Jon Hochschartner

Equivalent evil

Riverhead, L.I.: I can’t help but wonder if Oct. 7 would have occurred if Hamas knew that Benjamin Netanyahu was as morally sick as they are. By now it’s apparent that there is no moral space between the terrorism of Hamas and the criminal thuggery of the Israel Defense Forces. We always knew that Hamas was morally bankrupt, but to find out that present-day Israel also is is an epic and disturbing surprise. It is unfortunate that some Jewish students feel threatened at their schools, but their plight doesn’t come close to the suffering of thousands of Palestinians who wish their loved ones were still alive to feel threatened. Colin Grattan

State of distress

Oceanside, L.I.: Re Martha-Ann Alito: It’s disgraceful the way Justice Samuel Alito’s family is being treated. I, for one, agree with you that we should be flying our country’s flag upside down, as we are really in a whole lot of trouble caused by the Bidens and the progressive liberals. I will, from now until Trump is elected, put all my flag stamps upside down on my mail. This 89-year-old Navy vet is sorry he’s not 30 or 40 years younger so he could be more physical in his desire to save this once-great country from destruction. Biden, the Squad and the progressive liberals must be stopped. John F. Rossano

Plea of ignorance

Larchmont, N.Y.: Samuel Alito blames his wife for hanging those “Stop the Steal” flags and then has the audacity to tell us he didn’t realize what they stand for. Admitting that just tells us he’s stupid. Secondly, if he can’t impress upon his wife how important it is for him to not appear biased about political issues, he’s “henpecked!” I don’t know which is worse! Steve Michaud


Leicester, Vt.: Judge “Swinging Sammy” Alito did not throw his wife under the wheels of a bus for flying those flags outside their two houses. He threw her under the wheels of Judge Clarence “the Clown” Thomas’ 40-foot luxury RV camper bus. Robert Cappio

Fallen idols

Barnegat, N.J.: How low the Republican crybaby MAGA mutts have fallen. Talk about respect for Rudy Giuliani — he lacked respect for himself, hooking up with Trump. You all did. Don’t you find it hard to respect an adulterer, sexual deviant, rapist, liar and con man? A man so low that he cheats at golf! What a respectable man; what a candidate! How proud you must be. Lynda Spurdis

On to the election

Bronx: I sincerely hope Donald Trump has an opportunity to run for office in November. Even though he will deny the outcome of the pending landslide loss, there will be no excuse that he was legally prevented from running. More importantly, it will prove to him and his cult followers that the American people are not as gullible as they believe. His voter base is comprised of liars, racists, bigots, immoralists and white supremacists. Alfred Williams


Smithfield, R.I.: To me, this is the likeliest scenario if most of us stay home on Election Day in November: Orange Jeff Davis is elected. He expands the Supreme Court to 13, with his friend Todd Blanch heading the list, rounded out by Alina Habba. With that advantage on the court, Trump and his family become what the Windsors are in the U.K. So please, my friends, get out and vote in early November. Stephen DeFalco

The ethical choice

Oyster Bay, L.I.: I am a lifelong Democrat and currently in my late 60s. It is absolutely appalling that Trump had the audacity to allegedly harass and rape various women through the decades without being held accountable for his transgressions. It is high time that he pays the price for his actions all these years. Both candidates are rather old, but Biden is known to be a family man and has a set of values in place. Vote blue! Maureen Cassidy

Just clothes

Manhattan: Re “Get dressy, not messy” (April 11): Enforcing the law and protecting the innocent should be more important than addressing the dress code. It’s not a fashion show! Maybe criminals should consider sprucing up their dress code! What’s fair is fair! Albert Johnson

Ancient edict

Brooklyn: The article “An innocent man served 23 years” (May 17) contains this statement: “This case exemplifies the pitfalls of one-witness identifications.” However, the Bible says, “One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established” (Deut. 19:15). Also, “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1). It is wise to believe the Bible. Pearl C. Ware

State-sponsored murder

Manhattan: Another New Yorker has been released after serving a long time for murder, though innocent. Thank goodness New York doesn’t have the death penalty. It is Nazism. Everywhere they execute the guilty, they execute the innocent too. Every innocent person on death row is like a Jew in Auschwitz. When an innocent person is executed anywhere, a Holocaust-style atrocity has been committed. Benjamin Cramer

Coverage gap

Lynbrook, L.I.: I am just curious, why is it that New York’s Hometown Newspaper does not have space for the entries and results of the races run at Aqueduct Racetrack? Other than the Saratoga meets, racing will be at Aqueduct for the next two years. Please note that the track is in Ozone Park! Which, as you know, is in New York City. Eileen Appel

Historic sanctuary

Yonkers: Recently, I was informed that St. Mary’s Church in Yonkers would close. It is the oldest church in Westchester County, founded in 1914. When it opened, it was a beautiful church that welcomed newly arrived immigrants from Europe and other places. It has always been a church where people of any faith or creed can visit and meditate before God. It has beautiful statues and a grotto. Recently, Assemblyman Nader Sayegh proposed that St. Mary’s be designated a historical landmark. With this status, the church would be protected from any use that is not religious. This would be a gift to the people of Yonkers and Westchester. St. Mary’s has vibrant Spanish- and Arabic-speaking communities, as well as other nationalities. When it was founded, St. Mary’s was known as Immaculate Conception — the patroness of the United States. Please save our church. Barbara Popivic


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