
Personal trainer reveals the 5 best exercises to get rid of your bingo wings

We are all well aware that exercise is a hugely important part of our overall health and wellbeing. The NHS recommends we take part in at least 150 minutes of exercise every week to help protect us against dangerous conditions.

Regularly working out can help keep the heart strong, keep us at a healthy weight and lower the risk for problems such as diabetes and fatty liver disease.

There are also multiple mental health benefits to exercise. Research shows it can reduce anxiety and depression, as well as boosting brain function.

However, other people commit to exercises with the goal of making aesthetic changes to their bodies. Getting rid of unwanted loose skin under the arm is one such change.

Often referred to as bingo wings, many people focus on specific exercises to help reduce saggy skin and excess fat around the arms.

One expert took to social media platform TikTok to share five of the best exercises to do to banish unwanted bingo wings.

More specifically, these will help menopausal women who might be struggling to shift the unwanted weight, he said.

Speaking in the video, Rob Birkhead – head coach at Trinity Transformation, said: “Are you a menopausal woman looking to get rid of your bingo wings?

“Here are five exercises, to banish those bingo wings for good.”

These five exercises are:

  • A resistance band pull down
  • A floor press
  • A French press
  • A bicep curl where the arm is in front of the body

For the resistance band pull down Rob attacked a resistance band to an overhead bar and pulled it down with his hands.

The floor press consisted of him laying on the floor with a weight in hand and pushing the weight up above his body.

He then held the weight in both hands above the head, and pushed it down past the back of the head and up again to complete a French press.

Rob added: “The reason why you want to do all five of these movements is because the arm has five key parts of the muscles.

“So if you want to tone up your arms and banish those bingo wings most effectively around the menopause of course you need to work all five parts of the arm.”

If you are experiencing menopause, the NHS recommends that you exercise regularly.

It says: “Try including weight-bearing activities where your feet and legs support your weight like walking, running or dancing.”

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