Home Health Never flush toilet with seat up – pharmacist issues grim warning

Never flush toilet with seat up – pharmacist issues grim warning

A pharmacist has issued a warning to everyone who leaves the toilet seat up while flushing.

Health expert Álvaro Fernandez, popular on his TikTok account @farmaceuticofernandez, said the common mistake can lead to particles of excrement flying across your bathroom.

It can lead to them landing on surfaces, the sink, towels, or – in the worst case scenario – your toothbrush. Yikes!

To show just how prevalent this problem is, the pharmacist shared a video of an experiment. In the clip, a laser is used to illuminate how far particles travel once the toilet is flushed.

He said: “The other day I said that it was important to close the toilet lid before flushing because part of what you leave there can get out and contaminate surfaces with pathogens that can be harmful for you or your family.

“You would not want to find particles of what you got rid of on your toothbrush, right? Someone said it wasn’t true, so I will show you an experiment with lasers and cameras to prove that it’s true, that I’m not crazy.”

The footage speaks for itself – but Alvaro adds: “Always close the lid before flushing”.

After Álvaro’s video was posted online, people had questions. They feared leaving the toilet seat down would lead to things floating in the loo without them realising.

To this, the pharmacist had a simple solution. He pointed out: “It’s as easy as waiting for it to finish and opening the lid. If it hasn’t worked, you put it back down, flush, and wait again.”

People appreciated his words of wisdom. One joked: “It took my partner four years to learn.”

Another laughed: “Perfect video to start the day after breakfast.” And a third added: “That’s why it’s also important to keep your toothbrush in the bathroom cabinet closed.”

Overall, adopting the habit of closing the toilet lid before flushing can contribute to a healthier and more pleasant bathroom environment. It may also help with…

  • Prevention of Aerosol Spread: Flushing a toilet can create a phenomenon known as “toilet plume,” where tiny droplets of water, along with whatever contaminants are in the bowl, are aerosolised and can spread into the air. These particles can settle on surfaces around the bathroom, potentially leading to the spread of bacteria and viruses.
  • Hygiene and Health: By closing the lid, you help limit the dispersal of germs in the bathroom. This can be particularly important in shared spaces or public restrooms, where the risk of transmitting illnesses can be higher.
  • Odour Control: Keeping the lid closed can help contain unpleasant odours within the toilet bowl, keeping the bathroom environment fresher.
  • Aesthetic and Safety Reasons: In a home setting, closing the lid can give the bathroom a neater appearance and also prevent accidental drops of items into the toilet, such as toiletries or small electronics. Additionally, for households with pets or young children, closing the lid can prevent accidents or mischievous exploration.


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