Home U.S Mum faces death penalty after 'intentionally' dropping baby daughter from third-floor

Mum faces death penalty after 'intentionally' dropping baby daughter from third-floor

A heartbroken community is in shock as a mother, Channel Yonko, aged 30, faces murder charges for deliberately dropping her one-year-old daughter from a window, resulting in the child’s death as she made her escape from the hotel.

Denied bail and charged with the murder of her 17-month-old child Hannah, Channel could face the death penalty after being charged with capital murder, in the wake of the horrifying incident in Galveston, Texas.

An arrest warrant alleges she dropped Hannah from the third-floor balcony of a hotel. Chilling CCTV footage appears to capture the young child falling from the balcony, hitting the pavement below.

Tragically, court documents reveal Hannah had also sustained three puncture wounds. Discovered on the pavement outside the hotel, the toddler was swiftly taken to a local hospital but was sadly declared deceased not long after arrival.

A swift response by local law enforcement led to the arrest of the mother, who was caught wandering the streets approximately half a mile from the ill-fated hotel, initially misleading officers by saying her daughter was simply sick. But police say she continued her erratic behaviour and collapsed into tears, later refusing to identify herself or cooperate once at the police station.

This chilling case took a more sinister turn when Channel’s sister informed the police she had earlier seen Channel, stroller in hand near The Victorian hotel, assuming little Hannah was inside but not verifying the fact. In a haunting warning, she pleaded with Channel, “Don’t return to the hotel,” reports the Mirror.

During their investigation, police unearthed chilling details from the Beachfront Palms hotel staff, revealing that the group had occupied room 217. A garbage bag discovered at the hotel contained a key card to this room, a skinning knife, and various items including children’s clothing, snacks, and nappies, officials disclosed.

Heartbreaking CCTV footage captured the moment little Hannah took her fatal fall, as well as a snapshot of Yonko pushing her living child in a stroller earlier.

Galveston Police Chief Doug Balli stated: “This is a horrible crime. All children deserve to feel safe when around loved ones, especially with their own mother. The Galveston Police Department is committed to bringing justice for Hannah and ensuring the safety of all children in our community.”


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