Home News Motorists can reduce fuel consumption by pressing button 'found in lots of...

Motorists can reduce fuel consumption by pressing button 'found in lots of new cars’

Motorists can “reduce fuel consumption” by pressing a button found in almost all new modern vehicles, according to experts.

TikTok channel @Autocentrics revealed that switching a car into economy mode could help petrol and diesel owners make massive savings while behind the wheel.

Changing to Eco will affect the output of certain features and make the car less reactive.

However, slowing things down will help keep more fuel in the tank and motorists could also benefit from a smoother ride.

@Autocentrics said: “With the cost of fuel going up and up and up these days. It’s time to start to look at how maybe we can make it go a little bit further.

“In lots of new cars, you will find a drive selector mode button.

“And pushing this as well as there being more interesting things like a sport mode, there is economy.

“Which will help reduce fuel consumption by making the throttle a little less responsive and just generally slowing gear changes and stuff like that.”

The Eco mode can usually be activated through a modern vehicle’s on-screen infotainment system.

However, some models may have a dial located on the centre console or steering wheel which can be pressed to scroll through the range of options.

Earlier this year, motoring experts at Car Shop also stressed pressing the Eco Button could be an important feature road users take advantage of to save cash.

They added: “Most modern cars are fitted with an ‘eco mode’ that reduces throttle responsiveness and engine power output, in turn using less fuel.

“On automatic cars, it will also shift up earlier to keep the vehicle in the most economical gear which is calculated from the engine load. By using this mode you can save around five percent of fuel.”


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