Home Life & Style Moss will ‘disappear and not come back’ from your patio with 35p...

Moss will ‘disappear and not come back’ from your patio with 35p item paving expert loves

Moss, just like weeds and black spots, is just one of the things that can overrun your patio. 

Once moss gets the chance to bed in, banishing it from your slabs can prove one heck of a job.

Rowan Cripps, Infinite Paving’s director, dropped a word of caution about sneaky moss, which “will grow anywhere that there is an opportunity”.

You’ll typically find it nestled cosily between your paving stones, eager to colonise every nook of your pathway if left unchecked.

Moss has a particular preference for places where the soil has been scattered by wet weather, flourishing in areas that are both shaded and moist.

Rowan suggests using an unlikely household staple to tackle the task – white vinegar. 

He noted: “While white vinegar is relatively popular for killing weeds and lichens, it is just as effective at getting rid of moss as it is getting rid of weeds.

“This is because the vinegar helps to break down the unwanted moss and resultantly makes it far easier to unroot and remove.”

The paving pro assured that after this treatment, “the moss will disappear and also that it should not come back anytime soon”.

Whipping up this vinegar solution is a doddle, just pop some white vinegar into a sprayer, stick in an equal amount of water to dilute it, and you’ve got your moss killer ready to go.

Hit all the mossy spots with your concoction, give it about an hour to soak in, then a quick once-over with a soft-bristled brush.

Rowan highlighted the importance of diluting the patio cleaner solution and using a soft-bristled brush instead of a harder one to “not cause any damage” to your pavers.

These two simple tips will help you “get rid of the unwanted moss” while also “avoiding any other damage”.

Gardening pro and founder of Good Grow Chelsea also agreed with using white vinegar to kill patio moss. She said: “Vinegar, especially white vinegar containing acetic acid, is championed as an eco-friendly herbicide to kill moss around your home.

“Vinegar can effectively kill moss due to its acetic acid content. When applied correctly, vinegar desiccates the moss, causing it to dry out and die.”

If you don’t already have white vinegar at home, you can grab a bottle from Sainsbury’s for 35p or from Asda for £1.09.


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