Home News Man's salad storage experiment determines best method to extend shelf life

Man's salad storage experiment determines best method to extend shelf life

Have you ever found yourself with a bag of gone-off salad that’s been barely touched?

This is a common situation in numerous UK households. According to Waste Managed, salad features in the top five most wasted foods in the UK, alongside vegetables, contributing to an astonishing 170,000 tonnes of waste annually.

Despite their convenience, bags of salad tend to spoil quicker than whole lettuce heads. So how can one ensure their bagged salad stays fresh long enough to be completely consumed before spoiling?

Attempting to solve this storage dilemma, food policy expert Gavin Wren undertook a ‘salad race’. In a recent TikTok experiment, he sought to identify “the best way to store bag salad”.

To conduct a fair test, he purchased three identical salad bags with the same expiry date – April 27 – and batch number. He divided their contents among three identical glass jars.

With the first salad bag, he simply emptied its contents into a jar and fastened the lid. In the second case, he also emptied the salad but left the lid off.

Lastly, for the third jar, he rinsed the salad and layered kitchen roll at the jar’s bottom and top to soak up the moisture, as he noted: “this is one of the things that makes food go off quicker”.

Gavin remarked: “Who hasn’t thrown out a bit of minging wet salad because they bought a little-bit too much? Salad actually benefits from being kept airtight.”

He then rigged a GoPro to capture the decay process inside the fridge – and astonishingly, viewers could witness each salad deteriorate right before their eyes. The jar without a lid spoiled much faster than its counterparts.

By day four, the lidless jar had shrunk considerably, whereas the lidded one also wilted but at a slower pace. The salad with kitchen paper, however, stayed fresher for longer.

After nine days, the salad with kitchen roll still maintained most of its structure, in stark contrast to the other two, which looked decidedly unappetising. Gavin pointed out: “At this point they would offend anyone who you served them to.”

Gavin concluded the salad with the kitchen roll was the clear victor as it “held out for longer”. In the comments, followers shared their own tips for keeping greens fresh.

One user suggested: “I fold the bag over itself and put it in the fridge,” which Gavin endorsed as a “solid strategy”.

Others chimed in with their methods; one said: “I always put kitchen roll in the bag and it does helps hugely. Same with spinach in a bag,” and another revealed: “I put mine in a box and fill to the top whit water it keeps for a long time that way.”


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