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Lose weight by making 1 'small change' to your daily life – not exercise

Piling on the pounds can go on, unnoticed, until your clothes start to feel snug and the weight on the scales have moved up.

As more people live a sedentary lifestyle, spending a lot of time sitting down – whether that’s for work or leisure – it’s easy for the weight to creep on up.

While exercising more and eating less is the key equation to losing weight, sometimes one simple change could make a difference.

According to the NHS, one “small change” to what you drink throughout the day could help you to lose weight.

By simply swapping any sugary drinks for water, you can help kickstart your weight loss journey.

The NHS added: “If you do not like the taste [of water], add slices of lemon or lime for flavour.”

There are lots of ways you can lose weight, but you do not have to do everything at once.

“Try one thing at a time and find what works for you,” the NHS advised. If you already stay away from sugary drinks, other options include:

  • 150 minutes of exercise per week
  • Eating five portions of fruit and vegetables daily
  • Cut down on food that’s high in sugar and fat.

While 150 minutes of exercise seems like a big ask, this can be broken down into 20 minutes per day – fast walking would suffice.

Sometimes it can be hard to fit in exercise when you go about your everyday life – and winter can make it seem even harder to do.

The NHS offer a 12-week weight loss plan which is available to download on a smart phone via Google Play (on Android phones) and the App Store (on iPhones).

The NHS added: “If you are overweight or living with obesity, lowering your weight can help reduce your risk of developing serious diseases.”

Healthy eating ideas


  • Wheat biscuit cereal
  • Shredded wholegrain cereal
  • No-added-sugar muesli
  • Porridge
  • Wholemeal toast
  • Plain natural yoghurt topped with chopped fruit


  • Plain natural yoghurt
  • Fruited teacake
  • Plain popcorn, plain rice cakes or raisins
  • Homemade spiced chicken and vegetable soup

For dinners, try to stay away from sausages, pizza, soy sauce, ketchup, brown sauce, mustard and gravy.


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