Home Life & Style Lawns will be ‘healthier than they’ve ever been’ and ‘free of moss’...

Lawns will be ‘healthier than they’ve ever been’ and ‘free of moss’ if 1 item is used now

Lawns go through quite the battering in the winter months, so it’s best to give it as much protection as possible.

To help with this, gardening experts at George Davies Turf and Stone have shared what you can do in December to benefit your lawn later down the line.

One of the first tasks to tackle is aerating. Depending on the condition of your lawn, you may need to fix areas of compaction. 

If you don’t break up compacted soil, your soil will struggle to absorb water, and you risk waterlogging your lawn. 

It also means your grass roots won’t absorb the nutrients they need to survive through winter. 

Aeration is an “easy process” as you use a garden fork and spike holes into your lawn approximately two to six inches deep. 

Avoid aerating on very wet or frosty days, and leave your lawn to rest once complete.  

Gardeners should be thinking about the final mow of the year this week before temperatures are set to drop the following week.

However, if the weather is still dry, mild and above five degrees, give your grass one last mow. 

Be sure not to cut it too short, as this could cause further damage. You want the grass blades long enough to protect the soil from the cold and absorb as much sunlight as possible – so cut on the highest setting, trimming the edges for a neat finish. 

If you notice your lawn is struggling as we move into winter, a winter fertiliser is worth using to strengthen your lawn and encourage root growth. 

The experts said: “This will help prepare it for extreme weather conditions over the next few months and have lawns healthier than they’ve ever been so they thrive in spring.”


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