Home Life & Style Keep your home warm without putting the heating on this autumn with...

Keep your home warm without putting the heating on this autumn with £6.99 gadget

Chilly rooms in the home not only feel horrible but can be a health risk – but there is a cost-effective way to keep a room cosy with one simple item.

Now that autumn is here many people can feel reluctant to turn on their radiators due to rising energy bills but the best way to save money is to use your heating efficiently. 

One method to keep the cold out of a room and make sure it heats quickly is to use a draught excluder, a tool used to block drafts coming in through door or window gaps. 

It may sound strange, but 30 percent of the heat in a home is lost through gaps not being sealed properly which forces radiators to work harder to keep a room warm. 

By reducing heat loss, your radiators will not have to spend extra time or energy to maintain a comfortable temperature which can potentially expand the longevity of your heating system.

Most draught excluders look like cushions and come in many fun patterns but have been designed as a barrier that blocks air trying to enter your home. 

Not only will a draught excluder look lovely and keep the heat inside but can also help reduce noise pollution, which is particularly useful for anyone living in the city. 

Draught excluders can also help keep dust, pollen and even small pests like insects from entering your home so you will be able to get a better night’s rest as well. 

This is an easy method to help trap the heat in a home and get a room warm much more quickly so you can help get ready for winter without too much effort.


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