Home News Keep onions stored ‘properly’ using easy storage hack for a shelf of...

Keep onions stored ‘properly’ using easy storage hack for a shelf of ‘six months’

Onions are an extremely common vegetable used by households across the country, in lunches and dinners.

A lot of people tend to keep them in the fridge, either wrapped up in foil or clingfilm, but this isn’t advised.

Keeping them in the fridge isn’t the best way to store them as they aren’t a fan of cold temperatures, and they don’t like being near fruit either.

YouTuber Jerry James Stone said: “I’m going to talk to you about how you properly store onions – if you do it correctly, you can actually store them for up to six months.

“Onions hate being in the fridge, that’s the first thing – never put them in the fridge. If you do, they actually rot and go mushy.”

Since onions absorb moisture easily, it’s best to keep them away from cold conditions, although this doesn’t apply to sliced or diced onions.

Jerry added: “The other thing about onions, is they prefer to be in a dry place, that’s cool and has good ventilation.

“So you don’t want to put them in a drawer, you can put them in a pantry if there’s a lot of air circulation there.”

Ventilation is really important because onions do let out a lot of moisture, according to the pro.

The YouTuber continued: “One thing you definitely don’t want to do is store onions anywhere next to potatoes.

“Because of the moisture and ethylene gas onions put out, they cause potatoes to sprout.

“The food you can store next to is garlic, they prefer the same environment.”

If you buy onions from the supermarket in a plastic bag, it’s important to remove the bag and place it in a net or mesh bag.

This helps to encourage better airflow, keeping moisture levels down, and it can also be used for other vegetables too.

Other storage tips include leaving them in a cupboard or on the kitchen counter in a bowl if planning on using them up that day.

Freezing onions is also a great way to make them last longer, but they must be diced or sliced prior to freezing. 


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