Home World Incredible archaeology discovery as 16.4ft long carnivorous dinosaur unearthed

Incredible archaeology discovery as 16.4ft long carnivorous dinosaur unearthed

The scientific world has a reason to rejoice following the identification of a new carnivorous dinosaur species in light of the finding of a partial skeleton.

A global team of researchers and palaeontologists led by National Geographic Explorer Diego Pol discovered this new species of abelisaurid while working in the La Colonia Formation of central Patagonia, in South America. 

The experts, from Argentina, the US and Hong Kong, named the new species Koleken inakayali, a name deriving from the language of the Tehuelche people of Central Patagonia and referring to both the claystone in which the species was found and the Tehuelche leader Inakayal.

The dinosaur represents only the second known abelisaurid to have lived in the area at the end of the dinosaur era in the Late Cretaceous Epoch, around 70 million years ago.

The other abelisaurid known to have roamed around La Colonia Formation at the time was the Carnotaurus sastrei – also known as meat bull.

The Carnotaurus is known thanks to a well-preserved skeleton unearthed in Argentina’s Chubut Province in 1984.

While they were both lightly built, bipedal predators, the 16.4-foot-long Koleken inakayali was smaller than the Carnotaurus, which could measure between 24.6 and 26.2 ft in length.

Moreover, the Kotleken presents different skull and anatomical features when compared to the Carnotaurus, including the absence of frontal horns.

Still, this unearthed carnivore was bigger than the more famous Velociraptors, one of the species of dinosaurs popularised by the book and film series Jurassic Park.

The findings of the research team have been published for the first time this week in the journal Cladistics, where they shared to have found several skull bones of the dinosaur, an almost complete series of back bones, a complete hip, several tail bones, and almost complete legs.

Mr Pol said of the findings: “This finding sheds light on the diversity of abelisaurid theropods in Patagonia right before the mass extinction event.

“Our study also analyses the evolution of abelisaurids and their relatives through time, and identifies pulses of accelerated rates of skull evolution in the Early Cretaceous.

“It expands what we know about abelisaurids living in this area during the Cretaceous Period and shows that they were more diverse than previously understood.”

Mr Pol’s work, supported by the National Geographic Society, aims at broadening the scientific understanding of dinosaurs and vertebrates that existed throughout Patagonia during the last 15 million years of the Cretaceous Period.

National Geographic Society’s Chief Science and Innovation Officer Ian Miller hailed the discovery of the Koleken, saying: “The addition of Koleken inakayali to the La Colonia Formation fauna continues to demonstrate that the Formation is amongst the most important end-Cretaceous dinosaur-bearing rock units in the world.”


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