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'I visited one of world's most dangerous countries – people have the wrong idea about it'

Iran is painted as a grim wasteland by western media, where music and even pets have been banned. But globetrotting podcaster Drew Binsky says there’s a whole other side to the Middle Eastern country.

He says that, despite the fact that the two countries’ governments have been at odds since the 1979 revolution, ordinary people in Iran have a generally positive attitude to the USA: “The people love Americans,” YouTube star Drew said. “They always want to talk to me about America and they really want to visit America.”

He adds that Iran’s international reputation is largely unfair: “It’s one of the most misconceived country in the world. Everyone thinks it’s dangerous and scary, but it’s actually amazing.”

It’s not necessarily all good news. According to the BBC, Iran “carries out more executions than any other country, except China, and homosexuality is banned. Iranian censorship is considered to be some of the most extreme worldwide. But nevertheless, Drew is a huge fan of the country, and its spectacular sights.

He says: “My favourite places in Iran are Persepolis, the beautiful ancient ruins this place, the main Square in Isfahan, the world’s biggest covered Bazaar in Tabriz, and the rainbow land and Qeshm Island in the South.”

The “rainbow land” a unique rock formation on the island of Hormuz, takes its remarkable colouration from a mixture of naturally-occurring bright red soil and huge salt deposits left by a long-gone prehistoric sea. Locals believe that the salt possesses healing power that can soak up and release any negative energy.

The red soil is used not only to make paints and dyes, but is even blended into a sort of curry sauce called soorakh.

“Hospitality starts and ends” in Iran, Drew says. “We forgot to get our change back, so the guy ran all the way through the market for about 10 minutes to give it back.”

Iran’s tourism industry is going through a remarkable boom. In 2019, the country was listed as the world’s third fastest-growing tourism destination, and Iran’s tourism saw growth of 43% in 2023, attracting some six million foreign tourists.

Drew’s one of them. “I’m actually applying right now for my third Iran Visa so I can go there soon,” he says.


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