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'I stay warm during winter without turning the heating on with these 5 simple tips'

As many households grapple with the desire to cut back on energy bills, one helpful lady shared how she keeps her place warm amid plummeting temperatures outside.

Cassie, the budget-conscious parent behind the popular blog Frugal Family, has come forward with several “common-sense ideas” aimed at those apprehensive about the “scary price rises” to come.

In a bid to combat the soaring cost of living and to keep homes feeling warm, Cassie advised people to make sure their curtains are open during daylight hours.

Cassie penned on her blog: “Keep your curtains open to get in as much heat as you can, but as soon as it starts to get dark then close them to keep out the cold.”

She further suggested: “If you can, make sure your curtains are lined with a good thick fabric to keep as much of the heat in [when it’s dark outside].”

Additionally, she recommended inspecting homes for potential draughts; feel if there is a breeze coming in by the doors, window edges, or even attic entrances.

Cassie advised: “Do something about any drafts that you find because where the cold is coming in, the heat is also escaping, which means that you’re literally pouring money down the drain.”

To mitigate chilly draughts, Cassie proposed using door stoppers, window sealant, and duck tape around the loft hatch.

Moving to the upper levels of your home for work or relaxation is another simple method to stay warm, as heat naturally rises.

Cassie suggested: “You could move your desk upstairs if you currently work downstairs, have an early night or just chill on the bed with a good book.”

Engaging in half an hour of exercise at home, whether on equipment or following an online workout video, is another effective way to generate warmth.

Cassie shared: “I’ll turn my music up and do half an hour on my exercise bike; more often than not I’ll start off wearing a jumper over a T-shirt and take it off after about five minutes as I get that warm.”

Dressing warmly and in layers may seem like an obvious tip, but according to Cassie, it’s an excellent way to quickly warm up without resorting to turning on the heating.

She explained: “I also dress in layers at this time of the year because the extra clothes not only keep me warm but the layers trap warmth in between them too.”

Putting on a jumper, donning a pair of thick fluffy socks, wrapping yourself in a blanket and making a hot cup of tea will not only make you comfortable but is the perfect way to keep warm.

Cassie added: “My mum used to tell me that if your head and your feet were warm then the rest of you would be too, so I have some lovely thick socks to pop on to warm me up.

“I draw the line at wearing a hat at home though, so the heating would definitely go on if that was needed.”

Five ways to keep warm

  • Thermal curtain
  • Exercise indoors
  • Cover draughts
  • Wear layers
  • Relax upstairs


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