Home News Hundreds of protestors for Palestine storm, briefly occupy Brooklyn Museum

Hundreds of protestors for Palestine storm, briefly occupy Brooklyn Museum

Hundreds of pro-Gaza protestors stormed the Brooklyn Museum early Friday evening, briefly setting up tents in the lobby and unfurling a banner from the roof of the museum.

The group, numbering 800 to a thousand or more, had marched from the Barclay’s Center to the museum on Eastern Parkway in response to a call from pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime.

Police made a number of arrests at the museum, but exact numbers were not immediately available.

There has been a steady stream of protests in the city and across the nation since the Oct 7. attacks in Israel by Hamas, and the corresponding attacks by Israel which have left some 36,000 Palestinians dead, according to the Associated Press.

Some cops were sent to nearby stores to fetch bottles of water for officers as some 1200 protestors rallied outside the museum. A police helicopter and two drones hovered above as officers appeared to claw back the banner that protestors had hung from the museum roof.

A handful of protestors tossed plastic water bottles at the dozens of police who lined Eastern Parkway to quell the protest.



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