Home News How to nourish peonies so they flourish abundantly using expert's easy hack

How to nourish peonies so they flourish abundantly using expert's easy hack

As June approaches, so does the arrival of peony season. 

These exquisite flowers, ranging in shades from soft pinks to deep reds, grace gardens and homes with their delicate beauty. 

However, with the season lasting only a few weeks, it is important to make the most of these enchanting blooms.

David Denyer, Flower Expert at Eflorist, shares a simple yet effective hack to help your peonies open up quicker and last longer.

“Peony season is short, but definitely sweet, and showing off these gorgeous flowers is a must for any floral lover,” Denyer explains.


His method involves using warm water to encourage the peonies to bloom more quickly, ensuring you can enjoy their full beauty for an extended period.

Denyer’s step-by-step guide begins with preparing a clean vase filled with lukewarm water. 

He suggests gently turning the peony upside down, with the petals facing the floor, and carefully immersing the flower into the vase of warm water. 

Giving the peony a gentle twist in the water helps ensure that the petals absorb the water evenly.

After dunking, pull the peony out gently and shake off any heavy water droplets to avoid damaging the petals and ensure they remain in good condition. 

By following Denyer’s simple steps, you can maximize the enjoyment of your peonies during their brief season.

Place the peony back into a vase of fresh water. Within a couple of hours, you should start to see the petals opening up, revealing the full, lush beauty of the bloom.

Denyer said it is important to handle each flower individually to prevent any damage to the delicate petals. 

“It’s best to do this one by one to prevent any damage to the petals, so remember to be careful when dunking them in the water,” he advises.

This warm water hack not only speeds up the blooming process but also helps the peonies to look fuller for a longer period. 


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