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Horror as police officer dies after being stabbed in head at Mannheim political rally

A German police officer has died from his injuries after he was reportedly stabbed multiple times in the head at an anti-Islam rally on Friday.

The horrific attack took place in Mannheim, southwest Germany at around 11.30am local time.

The 29-year-old officer was rushed to hospital where he underwent emergency surgery and was placed in an induced coma.

However, the officer tragically succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead on Sunday.

The leader of Baden-Württemberg, the state in which Mannheim is located, said the news of the officer’s death had shaken him to the core.

Winfried Kretschmann added: “All our thoughts are with the officer’s family, relatives and colleagues.”

The stabbing shows “the often incalculable risk police officers are exposed to every day”, he said.

“I would therefore also like to express my deepest sympathy to all police officers in Baden-Württemberg. We are all united with you today in deep grief.”

Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his condolences to the officer’s family in a post on his X social media account.

He wrote: “His commitment to the safety of us all deserves the highest recognition.

“In these bitter hours, my thoughts are with his family and all those who mourn him.”

The anti-Islam demonstration was organised by a group calling itself Pax Europa.

As the protest was about to get underway a knifeman ran up to one of the demonstrators and started to stab him.

Onlookers rushed to help the victim, who appeared to have suffered a deep cut to the back of his left leg.

They then attempted to overpower the attacker, wrestling him to the ground.

However, the knifeman managed to wriggle free and went on to stab the police officer in the back, before fellow police officers shot and injured the attacker.

The assailant was later identified as 25-year-old Afghan Sulaiman Ataee, who became “radicalised” over the last few months, according to a neighbour.

They told Mail Online: “He used to be normal. Recently, about a year ago, I noticed that he had changed. He was helpful before, then suddenly he turned cold. He suddenly became more reserved – and also more aggressive.”


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