Home News Horoscope from June 15 to June 22 – predictions for Cancer, Leo,...

Horoscope from June 15 to June 22 – predictions for Cancer, Leo, Virgo and more

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

You love a challenge and you will take on anything within reason, with complete faith in your abilities. People are now coming to expect too much from you. You could do without the pressure and that confident mood at the start of the week will wane.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

Cash seems to flow out more than it is coming in. You’re ready to take a more proactive stance toward finances. By the end of the week as well as being in tune with your own needs and aspirations, you will be more aware of who and what in your life really matters.

Gemini (May22/June21)

Attempts to keep negotiations quiet will seem fruitless when someone you had especially not wanted to know, hears about them. You will have a strong suspicion on who has spilled the beans. Family and friends have their own concerns and aren’t likely to interfere in yours.

Cancer (June22/July23)

A quiet start to the week will deceive you into thinking that the next few days’ will be easier than usual. If you’ve been thinking about a job change, a friend will get you an interview with a powerful executive. Someone will start to put pressure on you to make an important decision.

Leo (July24/Aug23)

Press on with a project begun at the start of the month. Once you’ve smoothed a few rough edges it will be your aim to wrap up this venture by the end of June. A task you had not been looking forward to will either be less of a bother than expected.

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)

Recent weeks may have called for you to take a slightly aggressive approach when it comes to matters affecting your working life and finances. Your aim has always been to bring improvements into these areas.

Libra (Sept24/Oct23)

You will be putting the final touches to a deal, project or arrangement that was instigated some weeks ago. Although it may have taken longer than expected to get this underway, you won’t be disappointed with this week’s developments.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

A goal you have been aiming for is not yet out of your reach. You may have had your eye on this target for some time. All it will take is one more attempt and you will get there. Persistence does pay off as you will be proving now.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

A small problem will involve an old friend or neighbour. You feel someone is keeping something from you. If your suspicions can’t be backed up with facts, it would be better to keep your thoughts to yourself.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

You have a number of ideas regarding a new venture that is being discussed and you will want to toss these around in your head until you come up with a feasible, cost effective plan. Having to work with existing resources can make it more of a challenge.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You will make more progress by insisting on getting on in the background. It will make a lot of difference not having the advice, opinions and questions of other people to deal with. You know what you want to do and you will prefer not to have any distractions.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Change is in the air. You sense this already but you won’t be in a rush to instigate anything new. You need to consider where you are going and to know what you are letting yourself in for. You’ve made mistakes in the past and you don’t intend to repeat them.


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