Home News Gregg Wallace lost 5 stone by cutting out 3 foods – no...

Gregg Wallace lost 5 stone by cutting out 3 foods – no diet or gym

Gregg Wallace decided to change his lifestyle completely and lose weight when at nearly 17 stone, his doctor warned he was at risk of diabetes.

The Masterchef explained that he lost five stone “without dieting,” but instead he changed his daily habits and started making healthy choices.

Gregg ditched snacks, ultra-processed foods and takeaways completely. Although he didn’t follow a specific diet plan, he tried to stick to a balanced and varied diet, cooking healthy meals at home every day.

Experts at Scientific American explained that “research has tied ultra-processed food consumption to a slew of health conditions, including obesity, type 2 diabetes”.

Takeaways on the other side, “contain a lot of saturated fat, which can increase your bad cholesterol levels, which increases your risk of heart problems,” Diabetes.org.uk said.

On his website GreggWallace.Health, the presenter explained that no foods are banned when trying to lose weight, but dieters should be careful with snacks.

He explained: “Strict diets are hard to maintain. This is about swapping bad habits for good ones at your own pace.”

According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, snacking can lead to “unwanted weight gain if portions or frequency of snacking is too much, adding excess calories”.

Therefore, it’s recommended slimmers opt for healthy snacks, such as carrots with hummus, nuts, a hard-boiled egg or a piece of fruit.

Adele, who recently lost weight following Gregg’s tips, explained: “Having seen the amazing transformation of Gregg himself, and through the first lockdown I was following a lot of his recipes from Instagram and was really enjoying them. I know I needed to change my way of life for the better and wanted to try something new.

“GreggWallace.Health is not a diet, if anything I see it as a change in lifestyle. It teaches you about making better choices and that you don’t have to be so strict on yourself or beat yourself up if you have a rough day or week.

“It has taught me how to make better life choice when making meals, and also when going out being mindful about the items on the menu and still being able to enjoy myself.”


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