Home News Gardener's three-ingredient cocktail will keep bugs away from your plants

Gardener's three-ingredient cocktail will keep bugs away from your plants

If your cherished Monstera is being devoured by ravenous insects, you might want to consider this straightforward solution.

Indoor plants can significantly enhance a home’s aesthetic appeal. They not only add a touch of greenery but also contribute to improving air quality, absorbing excess moisture, and reducing dust levels.

However, they can also become a magnet for various pests that relish their leaves and buzz around the house.

But instead of resorting to costly, chemical-laden pest repellents, Britons are praising a natural spray made from just three ingredients that works equally well.

In a TikTok video, the viral account Creative Explained – which has garnered over six million followers thanks to his useful life hacks – demonstrated how he concocts his reliable bug repellent.

“Just grab a red onion, roughly dice it up, and put it in some kind of container or bowl,” he instructed.

“Then grab two garlic cloves, dice them up and add them in. Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper, fill it up with water, stick it in the fridge and let it sit there for about 12 hours.”, reported the Mirror.

The content creator then strains the liquid and pours it into a spray bottle.

He asserts that this “non-toxic” mixture will deter aphids, slugs, spider mites, and other insects from your plants.

“Spray directly on the leaves of your plants and watch the magic,” he said.

All three ingredients can be easily found at your local supermarket or green grocers.

You can get a jar of cayenne pepper for £1, a four-pack of garlic for 99p, and a three-pack of red onions for £1.10 at Morrisons. A new spray bottle will only cost you £1.25.

The gardening hack has generated buzz amongst social media users, prompting hundreds of them to share it with their friends and family.

One user noted: “Love it! This will keep humans away too.”

Another user explained: “FINALLY. I’ve tried a lot of stuff on my palm and HATE having poison sprayed on them!”

A third said: “Needed this for my raised garden beds.”

While a fourth simply concluded: “This is great.”

However, not everyone was impressed. Some critics dismissed the remedy as ineffective and a few even claimed it damaged their plants.

One unimpressed user joked: “FAIL. It was like a salad dressing for the bugs.”

Another dissatisfied gardener said: “Man, I tried this concoction and the only thing it did was make me smell like something awful. Epic fail.”


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