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Expert warns Sweden on 'brink of civil war' as country gripped by migrant violence

Sweden is bordering on “civil war” as the country has become gripped by violence involving migrants, according to one of the country’s leading experts.

Associate Professor in Sociology, with a PhD from the London School of Economics, Göran Adamson told Express.co.uk that his country was becoming a “capital of violence” – partly due to a wave of suspected criminals moving there.

According to official figures from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), the number of fatalities a year per million from gun violence is more than double the European average.

In 2017, there were 281 shootings in Sweden and by 2022 that number had grown to 391, 62 of which were fatal. According to the Office for National Statistics, in the UK there were 28 people killed by shooting in the year ending March 2022.

That means the Swedish rate of death by shooting was more than twice that of the UK, despite Sweden having a population less than a sixth the size.

Most startlingly, in 2022 the gun murder rate in Stockholm was around 30 times that of London, despite having a population of less than a million.

Speaking to Express.co.uk from Berlin, Mr Adamson said that the main pockets of the violence in the Swedish capital aren’t found in the centre of the city, but in residential neighbourhoods.

“It’s terrifying. You can barely believe it,” he said. “That has mainly to do with the suburbs of Stockholm because some of these suburbs are extremely violent and so forth. So things are getting worse.”

A research paper he published in 2020 shows a link between the sharp uptick in crime and the marked increase in immigration into the country.

He found that in 2017, 58 percent of those “suspected of crime on reasonable grounds” had migrated to Sweden. However for murder, attempted murder and manslaughter the figures swelled to 73 percent. The corresponding data for robbery was 70 percent.

The 60-year-old explained: “Even though most migrants are law-abiding people… still the likelihood of a migrant – especially from the Middle East or Africa, especially below 50 years of age – committing a crime is much, much higher than for a Swedish person. These are just the facts.”

Quick to point out he was not a “populist” the London School of Economics academic, noted: “This material is not political in the least and it’s just based on statistics.”

Indeed, his findings are supported by a study by Brå. According to the official statistics, between 2015 and 2018, the percentage of native Swedes born to Swedish parents suspected of committing crime was 3.2 percent. However, that figure rose to eight percent for people born abroad, and climbed to more than 10 percent for people born in Sweden to two foreign parents.

Mr Adamson’s claim regarding the overrepresentation of migrants from the Middle East and Africa was backed up by the Brå too, which found: “The proportions suspected of offences are greatest among those born in the regions: West Asia, Central Asia, and different regions in Africa.”

Against this backdrop of migrant-driven violence, the Right in Sweden is on the march. After their meteoric rise and ascension into mainstream politics, the Sweden Democrats, some of whom’s founders were active neo-nazis, became the country’s second-largest party and is in a confidence and supply arrangement with the governing moderate coalition.

The party’s electoral support appears to be consistent and established. It is polling just shy of 19 percent of the vote, only a point less than it won in 2022, two years out from the next General Election.

However, despite Sweden Democrats’ expulsion of their far-right and fascist founder members in 2005, other actors in Swedish politics are becoming increasingly willing to employ the sort of violence synonymous with the fascist parties of mid-twentieth century Europe.

In April this year, masked attackers stormed an event being held by Sweden’s Left Party. The party held the event in Stockholm to discuss the rampant surge of the far-Right when a group of people burst into the room and laid waste to those inside.

Three people were taken to hospital following the incident, which saw the Left-wing activists defend themselves with smoke bombs and spray.

This incident is far from isolated. Research from the European Union published in 2019 found “Sweden has the highest number of extreme-right murders per capita, followed by Germany, mainly targeting immigrants, left-wing activists and the homeless”.

In 2022 there were several days of rioting in Stockholm, Malmö, Linköping and Norrköping after far-Right group Stram Kurs planned and held Qu’ran burning demonstrations across the country.

Mr Adamson, troubled by the direction of travel he sees in his native country, with spiralling violence and deepening social cleavages, reflected that the cliched image of “Sweden as a happy paradise” is “waning”.

“People don’t even pick it up as an introductory remark in a conversation or in an article, which is interesting in itself isn’t it,” he said.

“The right-wingers have responded and the general population has responded by running rightwards.”

Blaming unmanaged migration over a prolonged period, Mr Adamson lambasted the politicians that oversaw that policy as having “betrayed their own heritage”.

He added: “Certainly Sweden’s problem is that we have been dominated by an almost-religious idealisation of things that the elites in our country know very little about, namely foreign cultures.

“This is here, it is real and [yet] we want to think about happy things. We want to think about the Eurovision song contest – which also these days is not a happy thing, by the way.”


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