Home News Expert shares best position in the house for a peace lily to...

Expert shares best position in the house for a peace lily to bloom

“Encouraging your peace lily to rebloom involves mimicking its natural preferences for light, temperature, and humidity,” said gardening expert Fiona Jenkins at MyJobQuote.co.uk.

“Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.” This is why a peace lily is best placed “near a north or east-facing window” in the home.

To encourage beautiful blooms, the peace lily plant thrives in temperatures between 20 to 22 degrees Celsius. “They dislike cold drafts and sudden temperature changes,” cautioned Jenkins. “Peace lilies thrive in humid environments.”

You can recreate a humid environment by grouping the peace lily with other plants to increase humidity. “Or use a pebble tray filled with water placed under the pot,” advised Jenkins. “Make sure the pot sits above the water level.”

Jenkins added: “Apply a balanced fertiliser diluted to half strength every six to eight weeks during the growing season.

“Avoid over-fertilising, which can hinder flowering. If your peace lily is root-bound, repot it into a slightly larger pot with fresh potting mix.”

Jenkins affirmed: “This can stimulate new growth and flowering.” As for the blooming season, Jenkins said: “Peace lilies don’t bloom based on specific times of the month.”

Jenkins added: “Their bloom time is more influenced by seasonal changes and overall growing conditions.”

While peace lilies typically flower from the middle of spring to the middle of autumn, this is because “this period coincides with increasing daylight hours, mimicking their natural habitat”.

With proper care, some peace lilies “may surprise you with blooms outside this window”.

Jenkins confirmed: “With perfect light, temperature, humidity, and care, a healthy peace lily may reflower in early autumn after its spring bloom.

“More realistically, you might see new flowers within six to 12 months of the previous bloom, especially if you provide good care.

“Younger peace lilies (around 15 months old) might flower again sooner than older ones.”


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