Home Life & Style Every washing machine owner urged to do 2-minute check to improve efficiency

Every washing machine owner urged to do 2-minute check to improve efficiency

Washing machines are one of the most-used appliances in many households, so the last thing you need is for it to break down.

They’re vital in ensuring our clothes, sheets and towels stay clean and fresh, and even just a few days without one sees the laundry pile start to climb higher and higher.

But if you’ve noticed that your machine maybe isn’t cleaning as well as it used to, there’s a very simple fix that only takes a couple of minutes to check.

And doing this could make your washing machine more efficient and longer-lasting too.

The advice was shared on TikTok by Cleaning With Kayleigh, an expert in keeping your home tidy and organised.

In a recent video, she highlighted the importance of checking out the washing machine filter – which is usually situated at the bottom of the machine.

She noted: “Your reminder to check your washing machine filter if your machine isn’t draining properly.”

If you plan on doing this, it’s important to lay down a towel or place an empty container underneat the filter hole, as water is likely to flow out of it.

Kayleigh did this in her video, unscrewing the cap and watching the excess water pour out on to a towel.

Dust, hair and other gunk can also get stuck in the filter and clog it up, which is a major reason for washing machines not draining.

Then, you can get cracking on cleaning the inside. Kayleigh used the Pink Stuff spray, which you can buy from Tesco or Asda for £1.15.

She then rinsed the filter out, making sure that all the dirt was removed before using the Pink Stuff spray on that piece too.

Once that’s done, simply replace the filter and close the cap back over, and you’re good to go.

The experts at Better Homes and Gardens recommend running a short wash just after, in order to check the filter is secure.

They added: ” It’s also worth noting that many newer machines, including high-efficiency (HE) models, don’t have a filter, instead relying on self-cleaning in the machine’s pump mechanism.

“These types of filters generally do not require owner maintenance.”


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