Home World Emmanuel Macron humiliated as Parisians plan to 's*** in the Seine' as...

Emmanuel Macron humiliated as Parisians plan to 's*** in the Seine' as furious protest

The French government has set aside €1.2billion (£1billion) to clean the Seine. Macron even vowed to swim in the river himself on June 23.

But angry Parisians have planned a “s*** flashmob” where they will defecate in the river on June 23.

The hashtag #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin was trending. It translates to “I s*** in the Seine on June 23”.

A website linked to the campaign said: “Because after putting us in s*** it is up to them to bathe in our s***”

France’s Olympic Games is also shrouded in controversy because Parisian authorities have ordered homeless people to leave the streets in a “clean-up” drive of those “considered undesirable”.

Paul Alauzy, of health monitoring charity Médecins du Monde, branded the move a form of “social cleansing” to make the city “appear in the most flattering light possible.”

Macron is under intense political pressure in France after his party suffered a disastrous defeat in the European elections.

He subsequently called a snap election for the French Parliament, giving the far-right National Rally the chance to increase its presence in the legislature.

Macron has defended his decision to call the vote when polls indicate he could suffer a crushing defeat.

The French President also warned other moderate parties that they must unite to defeat the far-right.

He said: Do we think that (Republican party leader) Mr Ciotti – and The Republicans who follow him – who up until now explained that the ruling majority was too lax and that we needed to rein in our public spending faster, would govern effectively with the (far-right) National Rally, whose program has been independently costed at about 100 billion euros a year for our taxpayers?

“We must, first and foremost, continue relentlessly to act for greater security and (state) firmness, and implement the laws that have been passed, like our European texts, to reduce illegal immigration.”


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