Home U.S Doctor weeps in court as he's branded 'most prolific' rapist and jailed...

Doctor weeps in court as he's branded 'most prolific' rapist and jailed for 158 years

A cardiologist who was branded the “most prolific” rapist wept in the courtroom as he received a 158-year jail term for his sex offences against at least nine women. The shamed medical professional, Stephen Matthews, was captured in court images crying after his sentencing.

Despite pleas for mercy from him, his legal team and family, the presiding judge declared that the 37-year-old made the world “a darker place” with his actions. After being found guilty on 35 counts of rape this past August, Matthews also broke down in tears.

Eleven victims courageously stood to give evidence against him during the trial, and authorities suspect there could still be numerous others unaccounted for. One individual condemned Matthews as “one of the most prolific serial rapists in the history of the state of Colorado” while others denounced him as a “narcissistic monster.”

Even his father branded him a narcissistic, citing alcoholism and troubling behaviour, whereas his mother appealed for leniency, hopeful of possible rehabilitation, according to CBS News. The sentencing hearing spanned four and a half hours, featuring testimonies from both of Matthews’ parents and several victims. One victim declared, as reported by the Daily Mail, “We are now a powerful army of survivors, and you are nothing.”

Matthews reportedly enticed women to his Denver home after connecting with them on dating apps like Hinge and Tinder, strategically planning dates near his Lower Highland neighbourhood residence.

After meeting the women at local bars or other venues, he would invite them back to his place, prepare a drink for them and spike it, according to multiple victims who testified against Matthews. Prosecutors highlighted the striking similarity in the victims’ testimonies as they built their case against the doctor. The assaults allegedly occurred between approximately 2019 and 2023, a four-year reign of terror that concluded with his arrest.

After drugging the women with drinks he prepared at his home, Matthews would assault them when they passed out, often recording the act and later using the images and videos as blackmail. “You have diminished this world,” Judge Johnson told Mathews as he delivered the 37-year-old’s sentence.

He continued: “You have diminished many of its lights. You’ve hurt our society, and it’s a darker place because of you. You brought disgrace upon yourself.”

In a chilling account, victims found each other through Facebook after forming a group to share their experiences with the same man. By October 2023, more than a dozen women had come forward resulting in Matthews being charged with 38 counts involving 11 victims, including nine whom he raped.

Allie, who preferred to keep her surname private, spoke to CBS News about her ordeal. She had been “excited to go on a first date and get to know” Matthews after matching with him on Hinge. Their encounter turned nightmarish when, after having drinks at a bar in January 2023, Matthews invited her over to his place supposedly to attend to his dog. Upon using his bathroom, she came out to find that Matthews had prepared a drink for her without asking. 

“I didn’t want to be rude and didn’t want to offend him, so I took the drink,” she recounted to CBS News’ Brian Maass. Shortly after starting her drink, she fell ill, her speech slurred, and she collapsed, becoming semi-conscious as Matthews began recording her.

He then forced her into a headlock to kiss her, a grip she described as “painful” and impossible to escape. Allie ultimately fled, sick and disoriented, leaving behind her shoes and managing to hail an Uber.

Denver District Attorney Beth McCann expressed gratitude to the survivors at Friday’s sentencing, acclaiming their testimony for successfully convicting Stephen Matthews. She said: “Stephen Matthews took advantage of nearly a dozen women in the most egregious way imaginable, and for that, he will now pay a significant price. I hope today’s verdict provides a measure of comfort to all the victims, whose courage throughout this case should be an inspiration to us all.”

Matthews remained silent as per advice during the hearing. His lawyer, Douglas Cohen, announced to the press that they would appeal the conviction and mentioned the instruction given to Matthews “not to say anything.”


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