Home News Ditch your oven to cook a baked potato the ‘right way’ in...

Ditch your oven to cook a baked potato the ‘right way’ in 10 minutes with clever method

For many, a jacket potato is more than just a side dish – it’s a full meal topped with all sorts of deliciousness.

However, there is a downside – they’re notoriously slow to cook. Whether you’re using an oven or an air fryer, preparing a baked potato can be a bit of a time investment.

But now, a cooking whizz has revealed a game-changing recipe that slashes the cooking time down to just 10 minutes.

Culinary pro Rice Bethel took to his TikTok account @noflakeysalt to share his innovative approach to cooking the perfect baked potato without ever turning on the oven.

His video, which quickly captured the attention of foodies online, was titled: “The right way to bake a potato. Baking a potato in the oven takes over an hour, doing it in the microwave takes 10 minutes. Try this method instead.”

Bethel’s technique begins with selecting a good-sized spud and jabbing it with holes to let steam escape, allowing for more butter absorption.

Pop the potato onto a microwave-safe plate, zap it for five minutes, flip it, and then give it another five minutes of high-powered heat.

Upon revealing the finished product, Bethel pointed out: “These wrinkles on the potato are a good sign.”

He then sliced the potato open to show off its perfectly cooked and fluffy interior.

TikTok users were quick to praise the tip in the comments section. User @shirley2502 exclaimed: “That is the best way.”

Another user, @therealphxfoodie, shared their own experience: “I spent an hour baking a potato for dinner one night and it still wasn’t baked through and I swore to only microwave them from now on.”

Some users complained that this method of making a baked potato would result in soggy skin.

Several recommendations were made to circumvent this, proposing to put the potato in the air fryer halfway through to “crisp” up the skin.

A user known as @jeffreythomas, suggested: “I do five minutes in the microwave and finish in the air fryer to get crispy skin.”

While @suedonim agreed: “Need crispy skin though. Five minutes in the microwave and 10 in the air fryer.”

Finally, an account named @mrs_198o recommended: “Microwave for six minutes, Spray oil, and salt, then air fryer for 10 minutes. Crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside.”


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