Home Life & Style 'Correct' temperature to wash bedding at to kill dust mites and bacteria...

'Correct' temperature to wash bedding at to kill dust mites and bacteria – not 40C

How often and at what temperature to wash bed sheets is a common debate, but it is recommended once a week.

Experts at Pizua Linens said: “The bedroom, in a dream world, is the most peaceful place in the house.

“It’s the room that you go to rest, revitalise your mind, body and soul and awaken ready to tackle the next day.

“The following bedroom hygiene facts, however, might change the way that you lay your head on the pillow.”

According to the pros, dust mites can multiply very quickly and live in areas like mattresses, bedding and headboards.

The experts said: “Dust mites are tiny arachnids that love to chomp on skin cells shed by people, all 15 million of them each night, and chill in a humid and warm environment.

“As you can imagine, your bed is the equivalent of the finest all-expenses-paid luxury resort for dust mites.

“You might be horrified to learn that a mated female house dust mite can lay up to 100 eggs in the last five weeks of life.”

Luckily, there are lots of ways to keep them away, including washing bed sheets at the correct temperature.

The pros recommended washing all bedding, including pillowcases on a 60C wash to make sure bacteria is killed.

They added: “This temperature is correct for killing dust mites and allergens.”

Dust mites also thrive in warm and damp environments so it’s important to make sure sheets are properly dry before putting them away.

If they are still damp when put away or back onto the bed, it could lead to mould as well as dust mites.

As well as washing bed sheets at 60C, it’s also super important to change or rotate them regularly.

According to the experts, this should be at least once a week, more so when it’s warm weather.

If you have pets sleeping on the bed or you suffer from allergies, this should be around twice per week.


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