Home Health Common red flag sign in hot weather that could actually signal diabetes

Common red flag sign in hot weather that could actually signal diabetes

Diabetes is a serious and typically lifelong condition which causes your blood sugar levels to become too high. It affects more than 4.4 million people in the UK, although many more could be living with the chronic disease.

It is not known exactly what causes type 1 diabetes. However, the far more common type 2 diabetes is often linked to factors such as being overweight and not exercising enough, although it can also run in families.

As with any condition or illness the sooner you spot the symptoms of diabetes, the sooner you can seek medical help. While there is no cure for diabetes, there are treatments available to help ease symptoms.

Therefore it is important to be aware of the potential warning signs. One of the most common warning signs of diabetes, though, could easily be mistaken as just an effect of hot weather.

Health bodies, such as the NHS, list feeling thirsty as one of the red flags that should sound alarm bells. It can affect both patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

This symptom occurs due to the build-up of extra glucose in the blood, according to the Mayo Clinic in the US.  As a result, the kidneys have to work overtime to filter and absorb the extra sugar.

If the kidneys can’t keep up, the extra sugar goes into the urine. It also takes fluids out of the body’s tissues, leading to dehydration and thirst.

High levels of sugar in the urine caused by diabetes could also cause your urine to smell sweet or fruity.

This dehydration caused by excess sugar often also causes the affected person to drink more water. This can lead to more frequent urination.

The NHS warns that “many people” have type 2 diabetes without realising it. It says: “This is because they may not always notice any symptoms.”

Other symptoms of diabetes to look for include:

  • Feeling very tired
  • Losing weight without trying to
  • Itching around your penis or vagina, or repeatedly getting thrush
  • Cuts or wounds taking longer to heal
  • Blurred vision.

If you experience any of these symptoms you should speak to your GP. There are certain factors that can increase your risk of diabetes, including if you:

  • Are over 40 years old, or over 25 if you’re from an Asian, Black African or Black Caribbean ethnic background
  • Have a close relative with diabetes (such as a parent, brother or sister)
  • Are overweight or living with obesity or are not very physically active
  • Are from an Asian, Black African or Black Caribbean ethnic background.

You can use the Know Your Risk online tool from Diabetes UK to determine your risk of developing diabetes. But the only way to know for sure is to undergo a blood test.


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