Home Life & Style Chinese zodiac: Five lucky animals will 'benefit' this week, claims astrologer

Chinese zodiac: Five lucky animals will 'benefit' this week, claims astrologer

The Chinese zodiac, a 12-year cycle, assigns an animal to each year, influencing personality traits and fortunes.

Among these, the Dragon, Rat, Pig, and Monkey are often considered the luckiest, though this isn’t always the case throughout the year.

Each sign’s characteristics align with specific elements and energies, shaping one’s destiny and interactions, which this week, will change the course of fortune for some of the animals in the Chinese Zodiac.

According to astrologer Valeira Black, the week between August 26 and September 1 will see five signs “benefit more than the rest” by “leaning into” luck.

Sharing her astrological insights with Your Tango, Valeria revealed what’s in store for the five most fortunate signs this week.

1. Horse

According to the astrologer, those born in the Year of the Horse have “hit the jackpot where luck is concerned this week”.

She urged them to prepare for a symbolic wind that would make the next chapter a breeze, noting that they should remember to engage with the world and “focus on what truly matters” to make the most of this luck. The colour green is deemed a sign of good fortune for the Horse this week.

2. Pig

Financial luck will see those born in the Year of the Pig get a boost in their finances this week, and a big one too, claimed Valeria. She said: “Don’t try to speculate how this luck will act. The outcome will add more green to your wallet. Also, green will be lucky for you this week, especially through plants.”

3. Ox

Set to experience a creative kind of luck, Valeria suggested that those born in the Year of the Ox may have “an important choice to make”. This may involve choosing to “seize your destiny” or ignore this and instead, buckle under pressure.

The astrologer warned: “Your creativity will receive a tremendous boost from lucky occurrences this week. But if you are not ready to act on it, this luck will flow out of your life just as quickly. Don’t let that happen.” Confidence in decision-making should be a focus for the Ox this week, during which the colour blue is deemed a lucky charm.

4. Rabbit

This Chinese zodiac sign is lucky in love this week. Whether it be for a romantic partner, creative hobby, friend or mentor, this kind of fortune will be discovered when the Rabbit leans into it.

Valeria suggested: “Let the relationship guide you to what comes naturally to your soul. Your luck will flow when you do. The colour red will be extremely lucky for you this week.”

5. Rooster

The astrologer explained: “Rooster, your luck this week is unique. You will discover it when you are wrapped in solitude and enjoying some time only with yourself.”

Valeria suggested that those who find it challenging to be alone should hug a pillow to comfort themselves, but allow time to engage with their newfound luck.

She warned that the wait and curiosity would be worth it for such luck and that the colours red, blue, and green would be welcome signs of good fortune throughout the week.


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