Home Health Carers UK estimates 12,000 people become carers daily – often without realising...

Carers UK estimates 12,000 people become carers daily – often without realising it

A tool has been developed to help those who look after others find out whether they could consider themselves unpaid carers.

According to Carers UK, an estimated 12,000 people across the UK become carers every day, often without realising it.

The ‘Care Calculator’ asks users to estimate how many hours they help others with their personal hygiene, ensuring there’s food on the table for them, and overseeing their finances.

Using the results, the tool will reveal whether they could be considered an unpaid carer and in turn access the support and information they may require – from helplines to online resources.

The calculator was commissioned by Carers UK, which offers phone support, online help and resources, in addition to having created a digital community for those in similar situations to connect.

A spokesperson said: “So many people are taking on care responsibilities in addition to everyday commitments like work, parenting, and more.

“This can have a huge impact on not only their mental, but physical health as sometimes the demands can be overwhelming.

“Yet, many wouldn’t consider themselves an unpaid carer, which is why we’ve created this tool to help raise awareness of the additional support they could be missing out on.”

The charity also revealed the number of unpaid carers could be as high as one in five people in the UK – equating to 10.6 million individuals.

Findings from the latest ‘I Care’ report, found 71% of those looking after family or friends consider their relationship to the people they support to be a ‘barrier’ in recognising themselves as ‘legitimate’ carers.

And campaigners fear this lack of realisation they’re unpaid carers, could mean they might not be getting support. It also emerged 73% who have or are providing unpaid care do not refer to themselves as a ‘carer’.

In addition to their continued campaigns for the rights and wellbeing of carers across the UK, Carers UK also offers support via a free helpline with information on managing caregiving, personal wellbeing, careers, and financial support.

It provides resources to navigate health and social care systems and connect carers through weekly chats, online meetups, and the ‘Carers Connect’ digital community. Further to this, it takes an average of two years for someone to realise they are unpaid carers.

A spokesperson added: “It’s often the case that carers can end up falling into the role, often without even realising it, as their responsibilities increase over time.

“This tool can help to take a step back and consider how much help you provide – and allow you find out more about the support that could be available to you.”


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